Chapter 2104 Invite people here~
Is it actually an ancestral jade pendant?
When Ding Liufeng heard it, he felt extremely uncomfortable like turning the river to his stomach.

He couldn't help but squeeze the back of his hand and said: "Not only do they have jade pendants, but they also have the surname Ding, and subconsciously I feel that they will threaten us, Dad, do you think they will be?"

Master Ding seemed to understand what he said, he couldn't help but frowned, and soon he said loosely: "Probably not, his wife shouldn't be pregnant when he was kicked out, and when he left the house, I So I sent the killer, and the killer also said to kill them all, the murderer should not lie to me..."

As Master Ding was talking, his confidence was a little lacking.

Ding Liufeng listened, and his face was a little ugly, "Daddy, nothing can be said for sure, maybe something unexpected happened, like today, I saw that very familiar jade pendant, and there are two very familiar jade pendants." people."

After hearing this, Master Ding's face became even more ugly, "Could it be that those murderers are lying to me?"

Ding Liufeng licked the corner of his lips and said, "Perhaps, it's because he didn't know how to start..."

Master Ding couldn't help but grabbed the corner of Ding Liufeng's clothes, and said: "Then what should we do? Will they threaten us?"

Hearing what Master Ding said, Ding Liufeng was [-]% sure that that brother must have been assassinated by his father, and his father was so nervous that he was afraid that retribution would come.

And he is also afraid, if his father falls, he will also be implicated.

They're definitely going to do something about it...

Ding Liufeng held his chin, and An An began to analyze, "It is reasonable to say that it should not be, but there is no guarantee that it will not pose a threat to us in the future. Although Dad is not absolutely sure, we should act first."

Master Ding said: "How to act first to be strong?"

Ding Liufeng rolled his eyes and said: "Father, we will invite them to our house tomorrow. If we confirm their identities, we will kill them. If they are not, we will let them go."

After all, she is Baili Qinxue's person, so it's not good to offend her.

However, if they were really members of their Ding family, even if they offended Baili Qinxue, he would kill them.

When Mr. Ding heard the words, a smile appeared on his face immediately, "My dear son, you are right, we will invite them to our home, secretly spy on their situation, and if anything goes wrong, we will send them..."

Master Ding didn't continue, but made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Seeing this, Ding Liufeng showed an extremely sinister smile in his eyes, "Daddy, I am looking forward to tomorrow."

Master Ding raised his eyebrows, his eyes were sharp, "I also have some expectations..."

On the second day, the old and the young hurried to Xuanwu City.

When the two arrived at Xuanwu City, it was quite early, but the inside of Xuanwu City was extremely lively, and the common people also came out to go to the market very early.

Master Ding looked around and said, "I didn't expect that Xuanwu City is quite lively, but it's a small place after all, it's not as lively as our Northern Continent."

Ding Liufeng echoed: "It's really lively, Daddy, the herb shop is just ahead."

Master Ding nodded hurriedly after hearing this.

Soon the two came to the herb shop.

The medicinal herb shop has already opened, and Ding Chongyang is sitting on a chair and fiddling with the abacus. Ding Liufeng saw Ding Chongyang at a glance, and he pointed out: "Daddy, that one is Ding Chongyang, and there is an older one who hasn't come out yet. It should be his big brother."


(End of this chapter)

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