Chapter 2105 invites you to the mansion~
Master Ding looked in the direction of his finger, and saw that Ding Chongyang was lowering his head, so he didn't see Ding Chongyang's appearance, but from a distance, he didn't seem to be very old, but there was a faint sense of stability , making people feel a little uncomfortable.

Master Ding glanced again, and then asked: "Is this the kid you mentioned yesterday?"

Ding Liufeng nodded and said, "Yes, Daddy, there is another one who hasn't come out yet."

Master Ding nodded slightly, and then stood there without moving.

Seeing Ding Chongyang rushing in and out, Ding Liufeng couldn't help asking: "Father, do we need to go in and find out the situation first, there is no way to stand outside all the time..."

Master Ding waved his hand and said, "It's okay to check the situation outside first, and then go in later."

Ding Liufeng understood what he meant as soon as he heard it, knowing yourself and the enemy will never end in a hundred battles!
The two stood not far away and watched for a while. At this time, the curtain of the inner hall was lifted, and Ding Jingtai strolled out from inside, holding a big bamboo basket in his hand, which contained some fresh medicinal herbs. The tender green leaves also exude a charming medicinal fragrance.

Although the big bamboo basket was somewhat obstructive, Master Ding could still see Ding Jingtai's appearance clearly.

Seeing this, Master Ding suddenly widened his eyes. The appearance of this person really resembles him...

Master Ding suddenly clenched his hands, and his face became a little ugly.

Ding Liufeng noticed his change, and subconsciously asked, "Daddy, what's wrong with you, your face seems a little ugly?"

Master Ding quickly stabilized his mood, and asked: "My dear son, is the young man who just walked out of the inner hall just now the other one you mentioned?"

Ding Liufeng's eyes fixed on Ding Jingtai for a while, then he quickly looked back and said, "Father, I'm talking about him, you just looked a little unhappy when you saw his appearance, is there something wrong? "

Master Ding gritted his teeth and said, "Like, it's too similar..."

Ding Liufeng narrowed his eyes, feeling a little uncomfortable, "What does it look like?"

Master Ding frowned, and there was a ray of sharpness in his eyes, "It's very similar to Daddy's brother, but he's a little too young..."

Ding Liufeng gritted his teeth, and his expression was a little ugly, "In this way, we should be able to confirm that they are related to our Ding family, right?"

Master Ding looked at the medicinal herb shop with deep eyes, "I don't dare to confirm it rashly. It won't be too late to make sure after inviting them into the house and looking at the jade pendants on their bodies."

Ding Liufeng said impatiently: "Father, let's go to the herb shop now."

Master Ding nodded.

After getting his affirmative answer, Ding Liufeng dragged his father into the herb shop.

Ding Chongyang was making some calculations, when he heard footsteps, he raised his head with a smile and said, "Does the guest need to buy some herbs?"

But when he saw Ding Liufeng and an old man, his eyes couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Soon, he calmed down and said: "So it's Mr. Ding, are you here to buy herbs today?"

I don't know why, but he just doesn't like this Ding Liufeng very much, and he always feels a little hairy when he sees him.

When Master Ding saw Ding Chongyang's appearance, his eyes couldn't help but startled for a moment. This face really looked like it, it was completely a miniature version of that person...

Ding Liufeng looked at Ding Chongyang, and said in a gentle tone as much as possible: "This is my father, we are not here to buy herbs today, but to invite you to our mansion in the North Continent."


(End of this chapter)

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