Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2106 Do you want to know your life experience~

Chapter 2106 Do you want to know your life experience~
When Ding Chongyang heard this, he couldn't help but stop the movements in his hands.

They didn't know Ding Liufeng well at all, but he actually asked, what kind of intentions did he have?
Ding Chongyang gritted his teeth, looked at the two of them warily, and said, "We only met Mr. Ding a few times, and there are so many things going on in the herb shop, how can we get away?"

Although he said it implicitly, a smart person like Ding Liufeng should be able to hear his rejection.

Ding Liufeng smiled as if he didn't understand, "It's okay, you go talk to Miss Baili, Miss Baili is so reasonable, she will definitely agree with you to visit the North Continent."


Does Ding Liufeng not understand human speech?
Ding Chongyang gritted his teeth, feeling a little helpless in his eyes, "This is not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing. We are not familiar with Mr. Ding. Why did Mr. Ding invite us to the North Continent? Besides, we are just clerks in the shop. Mr. Ding You don't have to curry favor with us, do you?"

Is this Ding Liufeng out of his mind to invite such irrelevant people as guests? Could it be that there is some conspiracy?
Ding Chongyang murmured in his heart, the look of wariness in his eyes became a bit more intense.

Ding Liufeng gritted his teeth. Regardless of his young age, this kid really thinks a lot, so it's really not easy to fool him.

"Chongyang, what's the matter?" At this time, Ding Jingtai put down the big bamboo basket and came over.

When he walked over, he saw Ding Chongyang's complexion was a bit uneasy, and he also saw a familiar face.

He couldn't help frowning, didn't Ding Liufeng leave, why did he come back again?

"Brother Jingtai!" Seeing Ding Jingtai coming, Ding Chongyang rushed up as if he had found the backbone, and said, "Brother Jingtai, Mr. Ding wants to invite us to the North Continent. I think it's inappropriate and I want to refuse, but they It's too enthusiastic..."

He talked to Ding Jingtai tactfully.

When Ding Jingtai heard it, he immediately understood the reason. However, they didn't want to get acquainted, so why did they invite them to the North Continent?

"Mr. Ding, I wonder if there is some misunderstanding." Ding Jingtai thought for a while, then asked, "Did you invite the wrong person? Do you want to invite Patriarch Baili to visit the North Continent?"

He and Ding Chongyang were helping each other, why were they invited?

I don't understand...

Hearing this, Ding Liufeng laughed loudly, "We didn't invite the wrong people, we really want to invite you."

Ding Jingtai frowned, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, "Why?"

Ding Liufeng flicked his sleeves, and didn't know what to say for a while, "In short, I have something very important to tell you, and I can't explain it clearly for a while, so I want to invite you to the Northern Continent."

Both Ding Chongyang and Ding Jingtai raised their eyebrows, Ding Jingtai gritted his teeth and said, "Is there anything you can talk about here, isn't it too much of a fuss to invite us to the North Continent?"

Ding Liufeng paused, not knowing what to say for a moment, he turned his head to ask Master Ding for help.

Master Ding narrowed his eyes, his words were like thunder on the ground, and the two of them froze in place in an instant, "Don't you want to know your life experience, I know your life experience, if you want to know, come with us to the North Continent , if you don’t want to go, you can pretend that I didn’t say so.”

Life experience?
Ding Jingtai couldn't help trembling. From the time he remembered, he only knew that he lived in a small village and lived with his younger brother. Could it be that they were not ordinary villagers in the village?

Do they have any other mysteries?


(End of this chapter)

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