Chapter 2108 Went to the Northern Continent~
Dugu Sheng couldn't help but frowned, "Yes, the door hasn't been opened at this hour, can't you be sleeping late?"

As Dugu Sheng said, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and a narrowness flashed in his eyes.

Zhao Yu rolled up his sleeves and said with a smile: "Let's go to the shop quickly, and we can just catch those two people who are sleeping late and trying to be lazy."

Zhao Yu stepped forward quickly, but he couldn't help but stop when he reached the door of the shop. He didn't have a key, so he couldn't go in.

Baili Qinxue took out the key and gently opened the shop door.

The herb shop was quiet, as if there was no one there. There was an open account book on the table, and a small gold abacus was pressed on the account book. The beads on the abacus were not arranged neatly, as if they wanted to settle the account but did not complete it.

Looking at the quiet herb shop, Baili Qinxue couldn't help squinting her eyes.

Ding Chongyang doesn't seem like a person who would throw away the ledger casually, even if Ding Chongyang would do this, Ding Jingtai would definitely clean it up.

Baili Qinxue couldn't help but frowned, feeling a bad premonition in her heart.

Zhao Yu has already rushed to the inner hall to arrest people, but unfortunately, he went in excitedly, but came out with an unhappy face.

Seeing this, Baili Qinxue couldn't help asking: "Zhao Yu, weren't you happy just now, why are you unhappy now?"

Zhao Yu said flatly: "They are not in the inner hall, they thought they could catch two lazy cats."

Not in the hall?
Hearing this, Baili Qinxue frowned even more, "The two of them don't seem like people who would wander around, and it's still early, so they should have disappeared."

"Axue, there is a note on the table." With sharp eyes, Dugu Sheng noticed the note on the table. He immediately unfolded the note, and said, "The two of them actually went to the North Continent."

Northern Continent?

Baili Qinxue's heart trembled, "Let me read the note."

Dugu Sheng handed the note to her, and Baili Qinxue took the note, and only then did she see the words on it clearly. The two of them were indeed going to the North Continent, and they left in a hurry, the ink on the paper was blurred.

Zhao Yu and the others also went up to have a look, and couldn't help but ask, "Why did the two of them think of going to the Northern Continent, and they aren't from the Northern Continent?"

Others also couldn't figure it out, what did they go to the Northern Continent?

Baili Qinxue tapped her palms lightly, and said leisurely, "I probably know why they are going to the Northern Continent..."

An attacker asked, "Why?"

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, her gaze was leisurely.

Northern Continent Ding Family.

Four hours later, the four of them finally arrived at Ding's house in the Northern Continent.

The four immediately got off the carriage.

Seeing this, the servants hastily greeted them with a smile, "Master and Young Master, come back, who are these two?"

The boys pointed to Ding Chongyang and Ding Jingtai.

Master Ding smiled and said: "These two are distinguished guests of our Ding family, you go and order the kitchen to prepare some good side dishes to cleanse them up."

The boys got busy and got ready.

Master Ding walked ahead, and Ding Liufeng led the way for the two with a smile.

Ding Chongyang and Ding Jingtai followed behind them. Ding Chongyang glanced around from time to time. After all, the rich man's house is so big, and there are rockeries and small ponds. It is really extravagant.

Not long after they left, Master Ding brought them into the living room. When the four of them sat down, a servant brought tea and snacks.

The two looked at it, but didn't eat it.

Ding Jingtai squinted his eyes, and said straight to the point: "Master Ding, since we have come to the Northern Continent, can you tell what you know?"


(End of this chapter)

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