Chapter 2109 Let's talk after dinner~
Master Ding chuckled, and he didn't appear to be that eager. Instead, he said relaxedly: "After traveling for so long, you must be hungry too. It won't be too late to talk about it after we have lunch."

Ding Jingtai just wanted to say that he was not hungry when he heard his stomach growl.

Ding Chongyang also rubbed his stomach, he was also quite hungry.

Ding Jingtai could only swallow the eagerness in his heart, and said: "Then trouble Master Ding."

Master Ding chuckled and said, "Hehe, no trouble."

Ding Liufeng turned his head to look at the two of them, and said, "Both of you, the kitchen is preparing meals. If you feel bored, I can accompany you to walk around the mansion."

Ding Jingtai shook his head, "No need, we are not bored."

Ding Liufeng smiled, and played with the cups on the table boredly. If it weren't for their special identities, he would have gone back to his room to play by himself.

For a while, the hall became extremely silent, only the sound of teacups touching the table could be heard.

After a while, the maids filed in with dishes in their hands. Ding Jingtai glanced at them and saw that there were extremely rich dishes on the plate. smell.

He glanced at it again, and couldn't help but twitch his mouth. Sure enough, a rich family can have such a rich meal.

Ding Chongyang also saw those dishes, and his stomach seemed to be even hungrier for a while.

The maids had already brought all the food to the table, Master Ding pulled away the chair and said, "The food is ready, you all should sit down and eat."

When Ding Jingtai heard this, he dragged Ding Chongyang over.

The two of them pulled out their chairs and sat down, sitting upright with excellent manners.

Master Ding pointed to the dishes on the table and said with a smile: "I don't know what you like to eat, so I asked the kitchen to make some casually, and I don't know if it suits your taste."

Master Ding smiled and said some polite words.

Ding Jingtai naturally understood his politeness, and smiled very politely, "Master Ding prepared such a sumptuous meal, how could it not suit our taste, you are so polite."

Master Ding felt extremely relieved after hearing this, he smiled and said: "Since the food has been served, let's eat it quickly, it won't taste good when it gets cold."

As soon as his words fell, the chopsticks of the others followed suit.

Satisfied with wine and food, Yixi soon arrived at the study.

The four of them sat face to face, Ding Jingtai and Ding Chongyang had eagerness in their eyes.

Ding Jingtai fiddled with the teacups on the table, and said, "We've finished our meal, so can Master Ding tell you those words now?"

Ding Chongyang also looked at Master Ding excitedly.

He really wanted to know his own life experience, and he really wanted to know who his own brother was?

For some reason, he felt that Ding Jingtai was his real brother, and that sense of familiarity and intimacy couldn't be faked.

Master Ding took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Before that, little brother Ding Chongyang, can you let me see the jade pendant on your neck? I heard from my family Liu Feng that you have an excellent jade pendant."

Ding Chongyang was taken aback, "Is that jade pendant related to my life experience?"

Master Ding smiled and said nothing, but his face was unpredictable.

Ding Chongyang licked the corner of his mouth, and after thinking about it, he took out the jade pendant around his neck.

The round and crystal jade pendant shone brightly in the sunlight. Master Ding trembled slightly when he saw the whole person. He trembled his lips and said, "You, show me the jade pendant in your hand..."


(End of this chapter)

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