Chapter 2110 You are the Ding family~
Ding Chongyang was taken aback, this Master Ding seemed a little excited, quite scary.

He took off the jade pendant around his neck and carefully handed it to Master Ding.

With trembling hands, Master Ding slowly picked up the jade pendant in his hand. He endured the excitement in his chest and turned the jade pendant over and over again to look at it. Every time he looked at it, he became a little excited. When he saw the small words under the jade pendant When he was there, he was stunned in place, his eyes were hollow and complicated, carrying some incomprehensible emotions.

Ding Chongyang was frightened again, he turned his head to look at Ding Jing, his eyes were somewhat questioning and dazed.

Ding Jingtai reached out and rubbed his head, and said, "It's okay, Mr. Ding is just a little excited, you don't have to be afraid."

The heat above his head was easy to calm down. Ding Chongyang met his gaze, and his eyes were filled with smiles instantly, "Master Ding, can you return the jade pendant to me, it should be something left by my parents."

Hearing what he said, the emotion on Master Ding's face became even more agitated, "Is this jade pendant given to you by your parents?"

Ding Chongyang pursed his lips, and was stunned again. It took a long time for him to recover and said: "It should be, as long as I can remember, this jade pendant was on my neck."

Master Ding chuckled, his hands trembling even more, "Liu Feng, quickly take out the jade pendant on your body."

Upon hearing this, Ding Liufeng quickly took out the jade pendant on his body.

It's still a round jade pendant, it doesn't look like an ordinary jade pendant, and it's also very similar to Ding Chongyang's.

Ding Liufeng handed the jade pendant to Master Ding and said, "Father, I brought the jade pendant."

Master Ding took the jade pendant, and handed the two jade pendants together to Ding Chongyang's eyes, "See if there is any similarity between the two jade pendants, Ding Jingtai, come and have a look."

Hearing this, Ding Jingtai walked over excitedly, and his intuition told him that this jade pendant might be very important.

After Ding Chongyang took the jade pendant, he turned it over and looked at it repeatedly. After he saw it, he was a little stunned. Why did Ding Liufeng's jade pendant resemble his own, no matter in terms of texture, style, or even the position of the words? exactly the same.

"Brother Jingtai..." Ding Chongyang looked at Ding Jingtai with trembling hands.

Why is the jade pendant the same?
Could it be that he has something to do with the Northern Continent Ding family?

Ding Jingtai was also taken aback by the scene in front of him. The two jade pendants were exactly the same. Could it be that they really have some connection with the Ding family in the Northern Continent?
He swallowed his saliva, his eyes were a little dazed, and he probably couldn't hide some things at this moment...

Ding Jingtai trembled with his fingertips, and took off the jade pendant on his body, "Why, your Ding family's jade pendant is very similar to ours, what is the relationship between us?"

When Master Ding saw another jade pendant appear, he was taken aback again.

Sure enough, they have a close relationship with the Ding family.

After Ding Chongyang saw Ding Jingtai's jade pendant, he froze in place, "Why does Brother Jingtai have the same jade pendant? Is this jade pendant left by Brother Jingtai's parents? Could it be that Brother Jingtai belongs to me?" dear brother?"

Countless doubts swirled in Ding Chongyang's head, but after thinking about it, he was excited and in a trance, afraid that those were just happy hallucinations.

Ding Jingtai stroked his hair with his hands, and the smile in his eyes was softer than water, "Chongyang, I didn't tell you before, but I just don't know how to tell you, I have a lot of entanglements, and I'm afraid You will deny me...Chongyang, I am actually your big brother."


(End of this chapter)

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