Chapter 214 Runestones?
The boy was also a little excited, holding up the stone carefully, for fear of losing the treasure inside.

The stone was half untied, and there was a thick mist inside. This is the first time Baili Qinxue has seen such a thick mist. He held his fingertips and stared at the stone for a moment.

"Oh my god, the fog is so thick, there must be some top-quality things in here."

"Then tell me, will it be tenth-order black iron or runestones?"

"It should be the tenth-order black iron. After all, everyone has seen Ding Jingtai's strength. The girl must have guessed correctly the first few times..."

"That's true, after all, how can a girl be better than a man?"

Everyone kept talking here and there, but Baili Qinxue just frowned, but didn't pay much attention to it.

Dugu Sheng folded his arms around his chest, for some reason, he felt a little secretly happy, let's talk, let's talk, when the time comes when the stone is untied and the rune stones fall out, they will obediently shut up.

Seeing that the two of them were extremely calm, Mu Liu felt that there was nothing to worry about.

"Look, fourth master, there is something coming out of it." The boy was halfway through, and a black lacquer thing came out, with spiritual energy lingering around, like something from a fairy family.

Fourth Master Long's eyes widened. This strange scene seemed to come from the fairy world. He had never seen it in his life. He tugged at the hem of the servant's clothes and said eagerly, "Hurry up..."

Both Long Siye and Ding Jingtai stared wide-eyed, they could feel the extraordinaryness of that thing even though they were far away.

"Jingtai, there are really good things in there." Second Master Liu laughed, as if he had already determined that it was tenth-grade black iron.

"It's really a good thing..." Ding Jingtai clenched his fist, but he wasn't sure what it was inside. Is it tenth-order black iron or runestones?

At this time, more than half of the stone had been untied, but unfortunately, the fog was so thick that it was impossible to see what was inside, only a dark and round thing.

"What do you think is that dark thing?"

"It must be the tenth-order black iron..."

Just as he was talking, all the stones had been untied, but the surrounding mist had not yet dissipated. The boy took the black and round thing in his hand, and after a few glances, his expression changed.

"Fourth Master Long, this is not the tenth-order black iron."

Hearing the words, Fourth Master Long immediately leaned forward, "What could that be?"

I saw that it was a round thing, covered with a layer of black substance around it, but there was some red substance in the middle, the black with red color was very beautiful, Fourth Master Long took a closer look and saw this thing Its back is engraved with densely packed grotesque characters, which is a little weird.

Fourth Master Long held it in the palm of his hand and was immediately overwhelmed with excitement.

He had seen this thing in the illustrated book, it was black and red, with fine writing on the back, it should undoubtedly be a runestone.

"This thing is a runestone, let's have a look and debate together." Fourth Master Long spoke intermittently, obviously too excited.

He raised the runestone high, and at this time the fog around the runestone had dissipated, and everyone could see it clearly.

Liu Erye refused to believe that it was a runestone, he swung his sleeves and approached, muttering, "I don't believe what kind of runestone it is, these things can only be seen clearly when you get close ..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly stopped.


(End of this chapter)

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