Chapter 215 How Can You Lose To A Woman!
What Long Siye is holding in his hand is undoubtedly a runestone, exactly the same as the one seen in the illustrated book...

"Second Master Liu, is this really a rune stone?" Fourth Master Long was still in a daze, feeling that it was not real.

"It should be, Jingtai, hurry up and see if this is a rune stone." Liu Erye waved to Ding Jingtai, signaling him to come up quickly.

Ding Jingtai's expression was also a little dazed. His steps were light and light, and he was almost tripped when he walked up the steps. He stabilized his mind and looked at the runestone after he stood still on the stage. He saw his complexion Also changed a bit.

Although the color of the thing is dim, but the luster is very good, and the strange-shaped characters on the back also add a touch of mystery to the thing. Ding Jingtai took the runestone from the fourth master of Long. At this time, his hand shook, and the thing was almost shaken. go out.

"Jingtai, is this a rune stone?" Erye Liu asked.

Ding Jingtai swallowed, and then said quietly: "It is indeed a runestone..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone scrambled to see the true face of the runestone. It is a treasure that can make weapons or clothes the best. There is almost no such thing in the whole continent, at least they have never seen it since birth.

It was shocking to be freed from a broken stone today.

The crowd crowded around, and it took half an hour to see the runestone clearly.

"Such a good appearance, it is indeed a runestone."

"Then Fourth Master Long, since that girl guessed right, then this runestone belongs to that girl and President Mu Liu?"

Hearing this, Fourth Master Long's heart skipped a beat, is such a good thing going to change hands?

But the rules of guessing stones are like this, if he is not willing to give it, his integrity will be lost. Fourth Master Long gritted his teeth, holding the rune stone in his hand and would not let go even to the death, struggling hard in his heart.

After a while, he finally said, "Since I guessed right, then this runestone belongs to President Mu Liu and that girl."

Ding Jingtai's face turned pale. He was only immersed in the joy and excitement of unraveling the runestones, and completely forgot what Baili Qinxue wrote on the paper. Only now was he reminded that she guessed it right, but he unexpectedly Lost to her, lost to a woman.

He has been picking rocks since he was a child, and has been picking for more than ten years. He thinks he has rich experience, but he never thinks that there are people outside the world. He clenched his fists and looked a little sad.

Liu Erye's face was ashen, thinking that this runestone would belong to Mu Liu, he felt a little unhappy, he frowned, feeling a little annoyed in his heart, "Jingtai, why are you so careless? Losing to a woman is in vain for my trust in you."

Ding Jingtai clenched his lower lip, his head drooped, his expression unclear.

Fourth Master Long hurriedly came out to smooth things over and said, "Second Master Liu, what you said is not right. Jingtai has tried his best, but I can only say that there are people beyond others, and that girl's strength is indeed higher than that of Jingtai. You don't want to, Second Master Liu." Too much blame on Jingtai."

Second Master Liu frowned and said nothing.

Fourth Master Long turned his head to look at Baili Qinxue, and asked with a smile, "My lady, how did you guess that it was a runestone?"

Ding Jingtai also raised his head subconsciously, staring closely at Baili Qinxue, his eyes flickering with tiny specks of light.

"Although this stone doesn't look good, the material on it is evenly distributed, and I seem to be able to feel the rich spiritual energy emanating from the stone." Baili Qinxue said slowly, "So, I will boldly guess what's inside. It would be runestones, I didn't expect that I would guess it right, it's just unbelievable."


 Ha ha da say I plagiarized?Come up with evidence?Do you know what plagiarism is?That is, the whole story is exactly the same, and all the characters are copied!You show me the evidence to see if they are exactly the same, if the names are the same, if the male lead is set and the female lead is set as a supporting role, all the settings... If they are exactly the same, I will get out immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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