Chapter 2159 Lost a vase?
When it comes to pastries, Ding Chongyang felt angry for no reason.

Just now Ding Liufeng felt as if he had a convulsion, and he must let them get out of the carriage to buy pastries, saying that Xu Ji's walnut cakes are very delicious, and he wants to eat them today.

But they never expected that when the two of them got off the carriage, the carriage disappeared like a gust of wind.

Ding Chongyang gritted his teeth, always feeling that Ding Liufeng was playing tricks on them.

After hearing this, Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows involuntarily, "You guys have leisure time, what kind of cakes do you want to buy?"

Ding Chongyang pouted, and continued, "Ding Liufeng said he wanted to eat Xu Ji's walnut cake, but I don't know what he thinks. It won't take long to buy a walnut cake, so I don't know how to wait for us."

After the words fell, Ding Chongyang covered his mouth again, with a bit of annoyance in his eyes.

Why did he tell a stranger what he was saying? If she talked nonsense in front of Ding Liufeng, wouldn't it be embarrassing to live under the same roof?
Thinking about it, Ding Chongyang lowered his head in frustration, Ding Jingtai patted his head, smoothed things over and said: "Girl, my younger brother laughs and speaks out loud, don't take his words to heart."

Baili Qinxue nodded, with a faint smile in her eyes, "Tong Yan Wuji, I understand these, since you are going to buy pastries, I won't bother you, but here is Li Ding Home is quite far away, so I have to work hard for you to walk back."

Ding Jingtai smiled and shook his head, "Thank you for your concern, we didn't have to work hard."

Baili Qinxue smiled, turned and left without saying a word.

At this moment……

The two also bought walnut cakes and prepared to go back to Ding's house.

The Ding's house was still as luxurious and lively as ever. When the two walked in carrying walnut cakes, they saw that the excitement turned into chaos.

A few servant girls came and went in a hurry, with anxious expressions on their faces.

Ding Jingtai was a little puzzled, grabbed a maid casually, and asked, "What happened?"

The servant girl was a little impatient, seeing that it was Ding Jingtai holding her back, she hurriedly said respectfully: "Master Ding Jingtai, the master has lost a celadon vase, and now we are asking the whole yard to look for it."

Celadon vase?

I heard that it is a collection of Master Ding, it seems to be a treasure, priceless.

Ding Jingtai let go of the maid, and said: "You really should look for it carefully, after all, it is a priceless thing, it's not good to lose it."

When the servant girl heard this, she hurried down to look for it.

Ding Chongyang pursed his lips, wondering, "Brother Jingtai, hasn't that celadon vase been placed in Master Ding's room all the time? Isn't it strange that it disappeared all of a sudden?"

Ding Jingtai paused for a moment, somewhat agreeing with Ding Chongyang's statement, but quickly calmed down, and said, "Maybe Master Ding forgot where he put it in and out, and that's why there was such a fuss."

Ding Chongyang nodded, "It's possible..."

At this moment……

A servant hurriedly ran towards the two of them and said: "You two young masters, you are finally back, the master is looking for you?"

Ding Chongyang blinked his eyes, a little confused, "Looking for us?"

Isn't he looking for a vase, why is he looking for them again, it's weird...

The boy nodded and said: "Yes, the master is looking for you. He said that if he sees you, he must let me take you there. The two young masters will follow me."

"But walnut cakes..." Ding Chongyang pointed to the walnut cakes, and said, "Ding Liufeng wants the walnut cakes, we'll bring them to him."

The boy said: "Young master Ding is also with the master, you can bring it to him by the way."


(End of this chapter)

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