Chapter 2160 You stole the vase!

The two of them looked at each other, and they always felt that something bad was going to happen in their hearts.

Ding Jingtai was stunned for a moment, and quickly said: "That's fine, then please lead us the way."

The boy nodded, "Okay, two young masters, please come with me, the master seems to be waiting for you in your room."

Master Ding is in their house?

The two couldn't help being startled for a moment, and there was a hint of disbelief in their eyes.

Master Ding, what are you doing in their house?
Although the two were puzzled, they still obediently followed behind the servant and walked towards their own house step by step.

As soon as they got closer to the living room, the two heard more noisy voices coming from inside, they couldn't help but paused, and the uneasiness in their hearts became more and more intense.

It's so loud, what's going on?

Feeling uneasy, the two walked inside one by one. When they entered the room, they saw Mr. Ding sitting on a chair, playing with a cup in his hand, with a dignified expression on his face. There seemed to be a Nice vase.

Ding Liufeng was sitting beside Master Ding, seeing the two people coming, his face immediately revealed a look of gloating, he said: "Father, they are here, you can ask any questions you have now."

The two of them were a little confused, what question did Master Ding want to ask?

Master Ding pointed to the vase on the table, patted the table hard and said, "This vase was found in your room, do you have anything else to say?"


What vase?

The two looked at each other, and quickly cast their eyes on the vase on the table. They froze for a moment, their heads went blank.

Ding Jingtai took a step forward, and said in a daze, "Master Ding... Uncle, please clarify, what kind of vase, we don't have any vases here, and we have never seen the vase on the table."

"I still want to argue." Master Ding raised his eyebrows, and the anger in his eyes was about to overflow, "This is the celadon vase I just lost, I didn't expect to find it in your room. You recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors, and it’s fine if you don’t repay, why do you want to keep our celadon vase as your own?”

The celadon vase lost by Master Ding is actually in their room?

When the two heard this, they couldn't help being shocked.

Ding Jingtai hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Master Ding, I don't know what kind of celadon vase it is, and we didn't take this celadon vase, and we don't know why it appeared here."

Master Ding snorted coldly.

Ding Liufeng also stood up, smoothing things over and saying: "You two brothers, do you have any financial difficulties, so you want to exchange gold coins with a celadon vase?"

Ding Chongyang shook his head abruptly, "It's not..."

Ding Liufeng raised his eyebrows, and said to himself: "If you are in trouble, you can tell us, but stealing is wrong. This vase is my father's favorite treasure."

Ding Chongyang bit his lip and said firmly: "We didn't..."

Ding Jingtai clenched his fists and said, "We didn't take this celadon vase, we have a clear conscience."

Master Ding patted the table again, and said: "I have a clear conscience. Since you didn't take it, why did you appear in your room? I think you are my brother's son. I treat you with great care, but I didn't expect your Behavior is so indiscriminate, even if you steal it, you still don’t admit it.”

Ding Chongyang blushed with anger, "We didn't..."

At this time, the maids and servants also pointed at them.

Although he is the young master of the Ding family, he is also from the countryside.

A countryman is a countryman, hands and feet are not clean, it's disgusting.

The two bit their lips, but their backs were straight, "We didn't take it, why is this vase here, and only the person who put it here knows why..."

Master Ding paused, with a delicate expression on his face, "I will not repent, I will lock them into the firewood room and think about their mistakes behind closed doors."


(End of this chapter)

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