Chapter 2165 Master Ding is poisoned! ~
Ding Liufeng directly helped Master Ding up, and saw blood seeping from the corner of his mouth, even the corner of his lips was bruised.

"Daddy, what's wrong with you?" Ding Liufeng pushed Master Tuiding's arm, but his eyes were still closed, and the bruises on the corners of his mouth seemed to be a little more, Ding Liufeng suddenly widened his eyes, feeling a bad premonition in his heart .

Could it be that his father was poisoned?

Ding Liufeng stretched out his hand to push Master Tuiding's arm again, and hurriedly said: "Father, are you okay, wake up quickly, don't scare Liu Feng..."

Ding Liufeng kept wailing, and ordered the servant to invite the doctor to come over. For a while, the back garden was in a mess, and the guests also froze in place, not knowing what to say.

Ding Jingtai and Ding Chongyang stood in place, their eyes were a little cramped.

Master Ding was not well just now, why he fell down after taking a sip of wine, this made them puzzled, and it also made them feel a little hairy in their hearts, always feeling that something bad would happen.

The guests were stunned for a while, and then quickly reacted, saying: "Master Ding is bleeding, why is the corner of his mouth turning so blue, could it be that he was poisoned?"

"But how could it be poisoned for no reason?"

"Didn't Master Ding drink that glass of wine just now? He fell to the ground after drinking the wine. Could it be that the problem is in the wine?"

"But why did you poison Master Ding, and who did it?"

Suspicions abounded for a while, and the guests also speculated one after another.

Ding Chongyang pursed his lips, thinking that he brought the glass of wine to Master Ding just now, his heart skipped a beat, his scalp couldn't help but slightly numb.

They won't slander him later, will they?

Ding Jingtai seemed to see his worry, he stretched out his hand and rubbed Ding Chongyang's head, and said: "This matter has nothing to do with you, you don't need to be afraid, and you don't need to care about it."

Hearing this, Ding Chongyang felt much less worried. He smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Jingtai, for enlightening me. I'm much better..."

Ding Jingtai was relieved, and the smile on his face grew a little more.

At this time, the boy had already invited the doctor.

The doctor checked his pulse, and his expression changed: "Master Ding's pulse is very unstable, sometimes strong and sometimes weak, this is a sign of poisoning, and it is a strong poison."

Ding Liufeng also trembled, tugged at the doctor's collar and said, "You mean my father was poisoned, or a strong poison, so how is my father now, is his life in danger?"

"Ahem... Mr. Ding, let me go first, and let me finish speaking." Lang Zhong was in great pain from being strangled by him, and he was still coughing non-stop.

Ding Liufeng knew that he was too excited, so he quickly let go of his hand.

The doctor was released, and then he said: "Fortunately, Master Ding's poisoning is not serious, as long as he drinks the detoxification prescription I prescribed for ten days, all the toxins in the body can be eliminated."

When Ding Liufeng heard this, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. When he turned his head, he saw that the doctor was taking out a needle and stabbed Master Ding's finger. In an instant, strands of black emerged from Master Ding's finger.

Seeing this, Ding Liufeng couldn't help shouting angrily, "What are you doing, why are you stabbing my father's hand with a needle?"

The doctor explained: "I am giving Master Ding an injection to temporarily force out the poisonous blood. Otherwise, when the toxin invades the internal organs, no matter how much antidote you drink, it will be useless."

When Ding Liufeng heard this, he rubbed his temples tiredly and said: "So that's the case, please save my father."

The doctor nodded and tried his best to force the poisonous blood out.

The guests were taken aback again.

It turned out to be really poisoned...

Then who would be the person who poisoned him, so blatantly?


(End of this chapter)

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