Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2166 Only Ding Chongyang has touched it! !

Chapter 2166 Only Ding Chongyang has touched it! !

The guests speculated one after another, and subconsciously glanced at Ding Chongyang.

Just now, he was the only one who touched the wine glass and jug. Could it be that this kid was poisoned?

But Mr. Ding was very kind to them. He not only brought them back home, but also let them recognize their ancestors. They had no reason to poison Mr. Ding. Could it be that they are unfamiliar white-eyed wolves who want to usurp the owner of the family? This is why you want to confuse the public by making such a fuss?
It's a pity that the poison was administered too little, Master Ding did not die, it must have been a crime.

Feeling the doubts, disdain and gloating in the eyes of the guests, Ding Chongyang's heart tightened again.

He was sure that these guests were already suspicious of him.

But he didn't do anything...

Ding Chongyang gritted his teeth, his heart was in constant turmoil, but his face was extremely calm.

He didn't do it, so he wouldn't panic.

"Hmm..." At this time, Master Ding moaned, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Ding Liufeng's eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth curled up, "Daddy, you finally woke up, you scared me to death."

At this moment, the doctor had already prescribed the medicine, and Ding Liufeng immediately asked his servants to go to the pharmacy to get the medicine.

Master Ding glanced at Ding Liufeng, then looked at Lang Zhong beside him, his eyes were full of confusion, "Liu Feng, what's wrong with me, why did Lang Zhong come to our family?"

Ding Liufeng narrowed his eyes, and said angrily, "Father, you were poisoned just now, and you scared us to death."


After hearing this, Master Ding was also stunned, "Poisoned, how could I be poisoned?"

Ding Liufeng blinked his eyes with a dazed expression, "You fainted suddenly just now, and I don't know what happened."

The doctor took the needle from Master Ding's hand, and asked again, "Master Ding, can you tell me what you ate before being poisoned?"

Master Ding lowered his eyes and fell into deep thought. Soon he raised his head and said, "I just drank a bowl of millet porridge in the morning, and some small cucumbers, but they also ate these Liu Fengs, so there is no problem at all... By the way , I drank a glass of wine just now, and then I felt dizzy, and then I didn't know anything, could it be the problem of the wine?"

The doctor narrowed his eyes, "Bring me the wine."

Ding Liufeng hurriedly brought the wine to Lang Zhong, who opened the lid and smelled it, and said: "The wine is very clean, there is no trace of poisoning, and there is no poison on the edge of the jug."

Ding Liufeng frowned and muttered to himself, "What's going on?"

The guests were also stunned.

Didn't Master Ding get poisoned after drinking alcohol?
How the hell is that poisoned?
Suddenly, a guest shouted: "After checking the wine and jug, why don't you check the glass that contains the wine?"

Hearing the words, the doctor's eyes lit up again, "Yes, the wine cup..."

Ding Liufeng hurriedly got up to look for the wine glass, finally found it in the corner, and he handed the wine glass to Langzhong.

Langzhong took it and smelled it, his complexion changed, and he quickly took out a silver needle and smashed it into the wine glass. Soon, the silver needle turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, everyone's expressions became even uglier.

It's not that there's a problem with the wine and jug, but that there's a problem with this wine glass...

Lang Zhong put down the silver needle, and said: "As you can see, there is something wrong with this wine glass, and some toxins have been mixed into it. It may be that the person does not understand the principles of medicine, so the dose is less, otherwise, Master Ding But..."

Everyone knew what Lang Zhong wanted to say, and everyone fell into silence for a while.

Master Ding also lowered his head, with a look of terror in his eyes, "Who the hell?"

The doctor asked again: "By the way, has anyone touched this teacup at that time?"

Master Ding trembled and didn't say anything, but Ding Liufeng continued, a little angrily said: "At that time, only Ding Chongyang touched this wine glass, and he was the one who handed the wine to my father..."


(End of this chapter)

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