Chapter 2167 Search them! !

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's gazes turned to Ding Chongyang, as if there were hundreds or thousands of watts of electricity, which instantly made Ding Chongyang extremely uncomfortable.

He gritted his teeth and remained calm in the face of everyone's doubts.

If he didn't do it, he didn't do it. He has nothing to feel guilty about.

Ding Jingtai squeezed Ding Chongyang's palm calmly, as if he wanted to convey the warmth to him.

Ding Chongyang took a deep breath. Facing everyone's doubts, his eyes were firm, and he said slowly, "I poured the wine, and I handed the cup to Master Ding, but I definitely didn't pour the poison."

Baili Qinxue looked at Ding Chongyang's firm and upright figure standing in the sun, and couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips, "I didn't expect that that skinny little boy at that time would grow into this appearance. It’s nice to be able to stay calm.”

Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, and the clothes fluttered on his body, "At first glance, I knew it was a farce written and performed by Master Ding himself. Didn't Axue help them?"

Baili Qinxue shook her head, "Now is not the time, it would be good to make them stronger, and there is one thing that I am very concerned about."

Dugu Sheng arched his eyebrows, and a ray of deep meaning flowed from the bottom of his dark eyes, "What is it?"

Baili Qinxue met his gaze and couldn't help squinting her eyes, "Why do you ask me if you already know..."

The corners of Dugu Sheng's lips were curved, and the sparkle in his eyes was breathtaking.

Baili Qinxue was a little drunk, she raised her eyebrows, and compromised: "Okay, it's Master Ding talking about their father, saying that they attempted to kill someone and seize the throne. I think something darker must have happened back then. After all, that Master Ding can be seen as a man with deep thoughts."

Dugu Sheng raised his lips and smiled, "I know you think so."

Baili Qinxue tapped her palm lightly, and said again: "It would be great if Master Ding could tell the crimes himself, and then tell the world, so we can't do anything yet..."

Declare the crime to the world?
The corners of Dugu Sheng's lips curled up, and his eyes lit up again, as if he had thought of something.

Baili Qinxue didn't notice this, so she turned her attention to Master Ding and the others.

Master Ding glanced at Ding Chongyang hesitantly, as if he didn't believe that he would poison him.

But Ding Liufeng had an angry expression on his face, and said: "Ding Chongyang, you must have poisoned my father, or in other words, you two brothers joined forces to poison my father."

Ding Chongyang shook his head abruptly, "We didn't..."

Ding Jingtai couldn't keep silent either, and a stern look flashed in his eyes, "Please be careful with what you say, Mr. Ding. If you don't have evidence, please don't impose the crime on us. We can't bear it."

Ding Liufeng's eyes widened suddenly, and the anger on his face became even worse, "Ha, it makes sense..."

Master Ding tugged at the corner of Ding Liufeng's clothes, smoothed things over and said, "Liu Feng, please don't say a few words, I know what the two brothers are like, and they will never do such indecent things as poisoning. Son."

"Why can't it happen..." Ding Liufeng was furious, and the words he spit out became even sharper, "Father, they stole your celadon vase, and you locked them in the firewood room all night, but you still feel They let them out because they were innocent, but they must have a grudge against you, so they thought of poisoning you."

The two of them also stole the celadon vase?
The guests couldn't help pointing at the two of them, they didn't expect their hands and feet to be so dirty, they were indeed unfamiliar white-eyed wolves.

Master Ding shook his head, "No, definitely not them..."

Ding Liufeng bit his lips angrily, "Father, there is no way to be suspicious like this, let's search them."


(End of this chapter)

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