Chapter 217 Next time, I will win

How dare the stinky boy scold him!

Second Master Liu gritted his teeth, and quickly pulled his face down, he said: "Children have to be disciplined, they look disrespectful, and they are not pleasing at all."

"Children are relatively pure and understand right and wrong. He is just telling the truth, so why should he be disciplined?" Baili Qinxue asked softly, but the eyes under the bamboo hat were narrowed, soaked in cold waves.

He was the one who came to pick things up again and again, but now he dared to say that Dugu Sheng owed discipline, it was extremely rude.

Erye Liu was speechless, and his heart was not happy at the moment.

Ding Jingtai returned the rune stones to Long Siye, and seeing that Liu Erye was very angry and almost rushed, he hurriedly stepped forward and patted him on the back to comfort him.

After a long time, Second Master Liu's complexion got better.

Fourth Master Long handed the runestone to Baili Qinxue as promised. After Baili Qinxue took it, she couldn't help showing disappointment. It would be even better if it was a runestone without cracks. Good luck.

Baili Qinxue held it in her hands and played with it, feeling like she couldn't put it down.

Second Master Liu said coolly: "A flawed runestone can make her so happy. I really have never seen such a big world."

Although he said so, his eyes were still glued to that runestone, even if it was a runestone with cracks, he wanted to have it very much.

It was late in the sky, and a ray of moonlight penetrated through the window and scattered on the ground, as if it also seeped into the room the coolness of summer night.

"Fourth Master Long, I'll leave when it's getting late." Seeing that it was getting late, Mu Liu got up and said goodbye.The lights in the room flickered, and his figure was reflected on the ground, swaying.

Baili Qinxue also pulled Dugu Sheng to stand up.

"I'll ask the servant to take you out." Fourth Master Long ordered the servant to send them out.

As soon as Baili Qinxue stepped out of the door, she was stopped by someone on her back.

"Miss, please stay." Ding Jingtai walked up to Baili Qinxue a few steps, bowed and said, "I have seen my own shortcomings from the girl, please tell me your name."

Even if he loses, he still wants to know whose hands he lost.

Seeing his sincerity and kindness, Baili Qinxue couldn't help being secretly surprised. Liu Erye, who is so mean and narrow-minded, has such a right-hand assistant accompanying him.

She was stunned for a moment, then said: "Axue, my name."

Ding Jingtai silently recited the name several times in his heart, and after a while he raised his head, his eyes were clear and hot.

"I remember your name, I will definitely win next time." He clenched his fists.

Those were a pair of unyielding eyes full of longing for victory, Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, and suddenly said with a smile: "If that's the case, then I'll wait, wait for the day you win me."

As soon as the words fell, she walked out the door.

Ding Jingtai kept watching her leave, and he took a long time to look away. Second Master Liu patted him on the shoulder, motioning him to come back to his senses, "It's just a girl's house who dare not show her true colors. What's there to see? Jingtai you Clean up first, we have to leave later."

Ding Jingtai quickly returned to his senses, and nodded in response.

The wind in the summer night was very cool, Mu Liu had already ordered the steward to fetch the carriage, and asked the steward to light a candle in the carriage, the candle flickered in an instant, and the shadows of the three of them were immediately reflected on the window of the carriage.

The steward was driving outside, and when the bamboo pole slapped the horse's butt, the horse started to gallop.

Before finishing the pastries during the day, Dugu Sheng kept eating as if he had been starved for several days.


 Thanks to the user for the 100 book coins that are actually very simple to reward.There are two other rewards that have been swallowed, I can't find the comments, I forgot who the username is, damn it.

(End of this chapter)

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