Chapter 218 Sneak attack?ambush?
"By the way, this is for you." Baili Qinxue took out the runestone from the space, and Mu Liu took it with a puzzled face. Seeing his doubts, Baili Qinxue explained: "You paid the gold coin, and this thing is naturally I should give it to you, although this runestone is not particularly perfect, but I am quite reluctant."

She really wanted to take it for herself, but she didn't give the gold coin, so it didn't seem kind to take it directly.

"You are really a real person." Mu Liu put his hand on her shoulder and patted her shoulders a few times, then burst out laughing. After laughing, he said: "Although I gave the gold coin, it was you who won it back. If we do this calculation, it takes half of us.”

"Half for each person?" Baili Qinxue said with a smile, "You give me a try and divide them in half."

Mu Liu hugged the runestone and shook her head suddenly, "That's not acceptable. Dividing it into half is equivalent to broken copper and iron, and the runestone is so hard that most people can't separate it. I don't think it's better than this. Let it be kept here for you, and it will be used by anyone who can use it in the future."

This Mu Liu is indeed not a greedy person, and he can be so calm and humble when facing rune stones.

Baili Qinxue nodded approvingly, put the runestone into her own space and said, "Since you say so, let me go first, but don't worry, I won't use it secretly."

Mu Liu smiled and said, "Naturally don't worry."

There was a faint moonlight outside the carriage, and the moonlight shining on the ground looked extremely cold, and the road was extremely quiet, with only the sound of the wheels of the carriage rolling back and forth.

Baili Qinxue leaned against the car and squinted her eyes for a nap. For some reason, she suddenly opened her eyes, and there was a trace of coldness on her face.

Mu Liu saw that she suddenly stood up and gently opened the curtain to look out. He paused, then smiled and asked, "Did you notice it too?"

It was pitch black outside, with swaying tree shadows, treacherous and terrifying, Baili Qinxue lowered the curtains, frowned slightly and said: "Although the surrounding area is calm, we are completely surrounded."

"Roughly, there are three to four people." Mu Liu lifted her thin lips, her eyes reflected in the candlelight were crystal clear and moist.

"We got the runestones, those jealous and greedy people must have missed it." Dugu Sheng's immature voice came, and he didn't know when he had already put down the pastry in his hand, looking ready to go.

Judging by his appearance, does he already know that outsiders are being followed?
Can children be so sharp?
Baili Qinxue couldn't help turning her head to look at him, but she couldn't see his expression clearly with the bamboo hat covering her face, but she guessed it must be extremely serious.

Mu Liu answered, "Although there are cracks in the runestone, it's enough for someone who cares to miss it."

"After this road, we can enter Xinghua City, but we won't get there smoothly. They will definitely attack us on this road." Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes, and she already felt a burst of coercion.

There was only the sound of weapons clashing outside the carriage. It was so powerful that the curtains of the carriage were lifted. The moment Baili Qinxue lifted it, she saw that the steward driving the carriage was wrestling with a man.

The man's moves are swift and fierce, and he is not bad at handling things. He can take dozens of moves with only a bamboo pole for driving a horse.

A little steward is so powerful, Baili Qinxue couldn't help but take a deep look at Mu Liu.

At this moment, a gust of strong wind blew past, and it forcibly blew the carriage into two halves!
"Quickly jump out of the carriage." Mu Liu couldn't help crying, so she hurriedly said.


 This is the legendary use of shattered runestones as a favor, this is such a good man.

(End of this chapter)

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