Chapter 219 Sun Thief Group

Baili Qinxue had already felt that something was wrong, she had already held Dugu Sheng's hand and jumped down steadily, and Mu Liu also jumped aside immediately.

The steward, who was still fighting, suddenly attacked, temporarily freed the man, and jumped off the carriage.

Another gust of wind blows.


The carriage was completely shattered and turned into sawdust. The horse was frightened and ran wildly, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Baili Qinxue looked at the shattered sawdust all over the ground, and couldn't help but secretly startled. The wind just now must not be an ordinary wind, it should be the special wind magic that Zhao Yu and the others said.

Such powerful wind magic, she thought wind magic was just blowing a few gusts of wind to confuse others' eyes, but she didn't know that wind could also turn into a sharp blade, smashing solid objects into pieces, just like a tornado.

"President Mu Liu, I'm afraid we've been entangled by a powerful character." Baili Qinxue lightly raised her lips, and there was no fear at all in her heart. Maybe it was because Mu Liu, a powerful master, was at ease.

"And it's a very annoying character." Mu Liu squinted his eyes, he had roughly guessed who was attacking them.

As soon as the words fell, four people came slowly on the moonlight.

All four of them were about 25 or six years old, and they behaved rough. They were wearing clothes made of animal fur, and because it was summer, their arms and thighs were exposed, which looked a bit nondescript.

Although all four of them had a sun tattoo on their faces, they all looked pretty good, with a rough and handsome look.

"Who are they?" Baili Qinxue narrowed his eyes, and saw that the four people were holding knives and swords in their hands, and the man who had just fought with the manager was among them.

The corners of the mouths of the four of them curled up slightly, all with weird smiles, just like the modern-day punks hiding in the alleys.

"If my guess is correct, the four of them are the Sun Thieves that the common people call." Mu Liu thought for a moment, and then said: "They often rob passing carriages outside Xinghua City, causing chaos outside the city and making people in the city feel uneasy. The common people are restless, and they are afraid that if something goes wrong, they will go directly to the city to grab things."

Baili Qinxue bit her lip, no wonder she looked serious, it turned out to be a thief.

The steward also said: "The one who fought with me just now should be Ghost Saber, the man with the big sword in his hand."

Ghost Saber, as its name suggests, has sharp eyes like a knife and is as frightening as a ghost.

"The one who used wind magic just now should be the one who is picking out his ears, called Wind Blade." The steward has inquired about the Sun Thieves, so he will know something, and he said: "As for the other two, one is a lone wolf." , as fast as the wind, and the other is Xiejian, whose swordsmanship is extremely strange."

Ghost Saber, Wind Blade, Lone Wolf, and Xie Jian all have strange names.

"We are the Sun Thieves, who specialize in stealing all kinds of rare treasures." Ghost Knife approached slowly, his eyes overflowing with brilliance, "Hurry up and hand over the treasures on your body, otherwise..."

He made a gesture to wipe his neck.

Mu Liu also took a step forward. There was no fear in his eyes, and he still smiled brightly. He said, "The Sun Thieves specialize in stealing rare and rare treasures, but we don't have treasures on us. Please don't embarrass us."

"Fart." Feng Ren squeezed in front of Ghost Knife, "Just now the lone wolf has sneaked into Long Siye's territory and hid on the beam. What happened below will naturally not escape his eyes. Runestone, it's right here with you!" on the body..."

Speaking of runestones, Feng Ren stuck out his tongue, and slowly licked the corner of his mouth, his saliva overflowed all of a sudden, it was disgusting.

Sure enough, it was extremely fast, and it was able to blend into it silently.

Mu Liu narrowed her eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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