Chapter 2173 Give me some rewards~
Unexpectedly, these two boys are quite smart, and they can realize that this matter is not that simple.

It's a pity, no matter how smart they are, why don't they still play with them in the applause?
Master Ding raised his lips, and the sneer in his eyes became even more rampant.

The two squinted their eyes, and they were sure that the Ding family father and son had directed and acted this matter, but they couldn't figure out why.

Could it be because of the underground stone picking meeting a few days ago?

Ding Jingtai's heart trembled suddenly, he raised his eyes, looked at Master Ding with some disbelief, and said, "Could it be because of the last underground rock-picking meeting, so you will pay more attention to us?"

Underground rock-picking conference?

Hearing this, Ding Chongyang looked at the Ding family father and son in a daze, and said, "You slandered us just because Brother Jingtai made his mark at the stone-picking meeting. You are a family of stone-picking, such a big family is too small-minded. Bar?"

Hearing this, Master Ding was so angry that he patted the table, he denied it flatly: "I don't know what you are talking about at all, it is clear that you poisoned me, the poison was found on you, and you still refuse to admit it .”

The two gritted their teeth, their eyes were cold, and their hearts were also cold.

I thought I would be happy to find my relative, but I didn't expect this relative to be a bad-hearted wolf at all.

The two raised their eyebrows and shouted coldly: "Why is the poison on us? I believe you should know better. Tell me, what exactly do you want to call us to the study?"

The two of them would not be so foolish as to think that Master Ding was looking for them to catch up on the old days.

Master Ding definitely wants to do something...

Hearing their questioning, Master Ding and Ding Liufeng looked at each other, the coldness in their eyes became more and more obvious.

Ding Liufeng put down the brush in his hand, and said, "Hey, I didn't expect you two to be quite smart. Unfortunately, do you know that people who are too smart have only one fate, and that is death."

When the two heard this, their hearts froze.

Sure enough, the poisoning incident today was directed and acted by them.

Ding Jingtai looked at the father and son of the Ding family, his eyes were cold, and a different aura emerged from him, "You really did the poison yourself... However, everyone in the North Continent knows the existence of the two of us. If you will If we kill it, I believe people in the Northern Continent will be suspicious, right?"

The plot in the crystal ball is about to reach its climax.

Baili Qinxue played with the crystal ball, looked at the crowd gradually gathering under the tower, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

The common people don't know what kind of medicine is being sold in their gourds, so what are they trying to do by gathering them under the tower at night?

They pursed their lips and chattered for a while.

"Hey, what are you guys trying to do by gathering us in the ground floor so late?"

"That's right, do you know that this disturbs people's dreams, if you don't give a reasonable explanation, be careful I won't end with you!"

"Didn't you say that you want to show us something good, what kind of good thing is it?"

At this time, Zhao Yu and the others also walked to the tower.

Zhao Yu lowered his eyes, looked at the large group of people in the dark underground, and suddenly hooked his lips to ask for credit: "Little sister, look at how reliable we are, we have gathered many people under the tower in just over half an hour, you Say, should we be rewarded?"

"You want a reward?" Baili Qinxue smiled and looked at him.

Zhao Yu nodded hastily, "Is it just a hard way to travel?"

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips again, "Then I'll give you a dozen pills."

Zhao Yu made a hand gesture and smiled very charmingly, "That's great, my little sister is really generous..."


(End of this chapter)

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