Chapter 2174 Let me show you something good~
Baili Qinxue moved the corners of her lips, but said nothing.

Dugu Sheng glanced at Zhao Yu indifferently, this kid knew that he was going to pay for the trip, he was really worthless.

Meeting Dugu Sheng's contemptuous gaze, Zhao Yu scratched his hair in a futile manner, and gave a smirk with pursed lips.

Dugu Sheng flattened his mouth and looked away.

Feeling the disappearance of Dugu Sheng's gaze, Zhao Yu's sense of oppression also disappeared, he squinted his eyes and cast his gaze under the tower.

There are more and more people, and their voices are getting louder and louder.

Baili Qinxue looked at the crowd gathered below, and the corners of her mouth could not help but curl up slightly, "Everyone, please be patient, we will show you something good right now, I believe everyone will be very satisfied after seeing this thing. "

Hearing this, the common people couldn't help but stop talking, and looked at Baili Qinxue and the others in a daze.

I don't know what good things to show them, could it be that kind of legendary treasure?

After the people stopped for a few seconds, they chattered again.

"I don't know what good things will show us. Could it be a legendary treasure?"

"Who knows, but I have some expectations."

"Those people look at Yansheng, aren't they fooling us?"

"If you dare to fool us, we will run up and beat them up."

Under the expectant eyes of the people, Baili Qinxue slowly picked up the crystal ball.

Seeing that she was holding a crystal ball in her hand, the people couldn't help but spit. Could it be that this crystal ball was the good thing they were talking about?
No way, a crystal ball or something can be considered a good thing!
Are they really being fooled?
The common people squinted, their faces were a little ugly, and they were still shouting that Baili Qinxue and the others were liars.

Baili Qinxue caressed the crystal ball calmly, and said, "What I'm showing you is not the crystal ball, but the scene inside the crystal ball. I promise, you will be surprised by the scene after seeing it." .”

The scene inside the crystal ball?

The people couldn't help swallowing their saliva when they heard the words, and their intuition told them that the scene inside the crystal ball must be amazing.

Baili Qinxue rubbed the crystal ball, and then quickly threw the crystal ball on the ground...

There was only a click, and at the same time as the crystal ball shattered, a huge barrier was erected in the sky.

There were figures in the barrier, and the people froze in place when they saw this.

The people in the barrier seemed to be Master Ding and his son Ding Liufeng, and the other two young people seemed to be countrymen who only recognized their ancestors a few days ago.

However, today I heard that two countrymen tried to poison Master Ding but were imprisoned in the woodshed. Why are they released again now?

The people were puzzled for a while, and then pointed again, "What is going on with the scene on the screen? Aren't the two countrymen imprisoned in the woodshed? Why were they released again? Could it be that Master Ding wants to Let them go?"

"Shh, don't talk, the people in the barrier seem to be talking..."

In an instant, the people were all quiet, and the voice in the barrier was clearly transmitted.

In the barrier, Ding Liufeng rubbed his fingertips, and said with a sneer, "People in the Northern Continent will definitely have doubts if you are dealt with like this, so I will poison you, and when you are speechless, you can let us manipulate you." gone."

When the two heard this, their faces became extremely ugly, "Despicable... If you hate us so much, why did you bring us into Ding's house?"

Ding Liufeng gritted his teeth and said, "Do you think we really want to bring you into the Ding family? We are afraid that you will threaten our Ding family. We have no choice but to do so."


(End of this chapter)

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