Chapter 2181 We are messengers of justice!

The door of the study was torn apart in an instant, and a few strands of debris flew in and fell straight at Ding Liufeng's feet.

Ding Liufeng was taken aback, and the medicine bottle in his hand fell straight to the ground. Looking at the dust-stained dumb medicine and debris on the ground, his face darkened a lot.

He yelled out the door, "Who dares to break into our Ding's house randomly? What are you guys doing outside the door? Don't you know that someone is here?"

Ding Liufeng yelled wildly, but no boy came in to make amends, except for the sound of the door being kicked open just now, it was so quiet outside at the moment, it was a little scary.

Ding Liufeng glanced at Master Ding, his heart felt a little fuzzy for no reason, he gritted his teeth and yelled again, "Who the hell is it, don't play tricks..."

Master Ding was also a little scared, "Liu Feng, what the hell is going on? Why would someone come and kick the door of the study room? It's fine, why is there no one?"

Could it be that some monsters and ghosts appeared?
Master Ding has done a lot of bad things, he swallowed his saliva, his whole body is hairy.

Ding Liufeng's legs trembled in fright. He looked outside the door and saw four figures flickering outside in the boundless night. He suddenly widened his eyes and collapsed on the ground in the next second.

It's too scary, the four shadows swaying outside, can't they be the shadows of ghosts?

Swallowing his saliva, he peed out of fear, "The ghosts are scattered, the ghosts are scattered, I have never done anything harmful to nature, it was all done by my father, he has killed people and done a lot of bad things, if you want to arrest people, go arrest them He's fine..."

In desperation, Ding Liufeng betrayed his own father.

When Master Ding heard this, he almost died of anger, "You little bastard, I treated you so well in vain, you dare to betray your own father, do you have any humanity?"

"Humanity?" Ding Liufeng almost laughed out loud when he heard this. He frowned and said with a distorted expression, "Even if I am inhumane, I learned from you. If you say it, I won't even let my own brother and father go. I just It’s just a matter of imitating, people don’t kill themselves.”

"You, you..." Master Ding was too angry to say a complete sentence.

The remaining poison on his body was not cleared, and he spat out another mouthful of blood when he was agitated.

Ding Liufeng glanced at it, but there was no touch on his face, "Father, you are poisoned anyway, if the ghost wants to catch someone later, you can go with the ghost."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Master Ding began to cough, his whole face was pale.

After watching a farce, the four thieves slowly came in from the door.

Feng Ren tilted his head, his eyeballs burst out laughing, his tongue was exposed and his face was ferocious, "Nah, you see that Ding's father and son usually look very respected, why are you so cowardly when it comes to life and death? Hahahaha, it's really interesting..."

Lone wolf folded his arms around his chest, whistled, and said frivolously: "You're so cowardly, just now Mr. Ding said that we should arrest his father, and he will kiss his son, even betrayed his own father, tsk tsk tsk..."

Xie Jian narrowed his eyes, and the long sword in his hand was out of its sheath, a ray of sword light streaked across the cold night, "Too cowardly, kill."

Ghost Knife just stood there quietly. He looks fierce and frightening, and he can scare people to death without speaking.

The shadows of the four people swayed in the wind.

They have shadows, not ghosts...

Ding Liufeng discovered this, and couldn't help but become more courageous, and said: "Who are you, and why did you appear in our Ding's house?"

The four thieves were still easy to tolerate, so naturally Ding Liufeng couldn't find it was them.

Feng Ren continued to laugh, too lazy to talk to these idiots.

The lone wolf licked the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "We are the messengers of justice, and we are here to rescue the two people who were persecuted by you."


(End of this chapter)

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