Chapter 2182 Special session of four thieves!
Ding Liufeng almost laughed when he heard that.

Messenger of justice?
Or to save Ding Jingtai and Ding Chongyang?
Haha, it's so funny, these four people are definitely here to be funny, right?

Ding Liufeng rubbed the sore corners of his eyes, and said: "Haha, you think you are the saviors, do you know where this is? This is the Ding family in the Northern Continent. If I call out the thugs at home now, I will kill you in minutes." Death, believe it or not?"

When Master Ding saw that it was not a ghost, but four ugly things, he was relieved, and his whole body relaxed.

He tidied his clothes, put on the airs of the patriarch, and said: "You four are so brave that you dare to break into Ding's house at night. Could it be that you put the crystal ball on Ding Jingtai's body?"

Crystal ball?
After hearing this, Ding Liufeng narrowed his eyes, with a hint of sinister flickering in his eyes, "It didn't take much effort to get here. I was still worried that I couldn't find the person who put the crystal ball behind the scenes. I didn't expect you to come to the door by yourself."

The four thieves looked relaxed and didn't want to explain too much at all.

Ding Jingtai and Ding Chongyang were a little unresponsive.

They thought they would be wiped out, but they didn't expect that someone would come to rescue them at the last moment.

This is simply unbelievable, who are these four people?

The two were on the verge of shock and didn't know what to say for a while.

"You two, don't be complacent. Even if someone comes to rescue you, it doesn't matter, these four people will be wiped out immediately." Seeing the joy in the eyes of the two, Ding Liufeng couldn't help splashing cold water, then turned to look at the four thieves, and said: "Why don't the four of you speak? Did you put the crystal ball? What did you see?"

The four thieves looked at each other, how about playing with them and fooling them?
The lone wolf rubbed his nose and said with a frivolous smile, "Yes, we put the crystal ball in. We know everything you don't want others to know..."

Ding Liufeng gritted his teeth, his face was a little ugly.

Sure enough, they really saw it all.

Ding Liufeng was about to speak when he was interrupted by Master Ding, "What is the purpose of you placing the crystal ball?"


The four thieves looked at each other a few times, and there was a bit of banditry in their eyes.

Feng Ren raised his eyebrows, licked his lips a few times, and said: "Put a crystal ball to threaten you, your Ding family should have a lot of gold coins and treasures, give us these things, If these two people are released, we will let you go, how about that?"

The lone wolf put his arms around his chest and whistled, "If you don't want to die, just follow our instructions..."

Master Ding was taken aback.

Ding Liufeng spat, his face became even uglier.

Ah bah, these people are bandits, and they actually made such a rude request. Sure enough, it would be better to kill them.

Ding Liufeng narrowed his eyes, ready to call in the thugs from outside.

The four thieves saw through his intentions, laughed and said: "Don't bother, we have already dealt with all the thugs outside you, if you don't believe me, you can go out and have a look, but don't try to escape, we have someone here It can be super fast."

They were all killed?

Ding Liufeng's eyes widened suddenly, he gritted his teeth in disbelief.

Although their thugs of the Ding family are not top-notch, they are not too weak either. They are all warriors and magicians of the fifth and sixth ranks. How could they be killed so easily?

He pursed his lips, he didn't know where he got the courage, and he rushed out the door.

As soon as he went out, Ding Liufeng froze in place after seeing the situation outside.

how come……


(End of this chapter)

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