Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2183 I will give you a lot of gold coins...

Chapter 2183 I will give you a lot of gold coins...

All the thugs in the mansion fell to the ground in disarray, their eyes closed tightly, and their faces looked painful.

Seeing this, Ding Liufeng's legs trembled in fright, "Did you take care of these people?"

No way?
There are at least twenty thugs in the Ding family, and there are only four of them. How can they kill so many thugs?
Ding Liufeng's heart trembled, his legs trembled with fright.

The four thieves laughed and solved his doubts directly, saying: "The thugs here are really weak, the four of us beat them to the ground with a little more seriousness."

They really did it, so how strong are they?
Ding Liufeng swallowed his saliva, and he collapsed on the ground, not knowing what to say for a while.

All the thugs have been dealt with, and the four of them are super powerful. He and his father can only pick and choose stones, and they are still weak in fighting spirit, so they definitely can't beat the four of them.

Ding Liufeng suddenly fell into silence, he gritted his teeth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

There was no movement outside for a long time. Master Ding rubbed his palms and walked around the room anxiously. He pursed his lips and didn't care too much, and walked out with a flick of his sleeve, "Liu Feng, what happened, why didn't you say anything?"

Ding Liufeng took a look at Master Ding, his face turned purple, "Daddy..."

Master Ding saw that there was a change in his expression, he paused for a moment, his whole heart was brought to Sang Xin's eyes, he bit his lip and looked around, he couldn't help but freeze in place.

what happened?

Why did all the thugs of the Ding family fall to the ground and remain motionless?
What happened to this? Could it be that the four of them did it?

Master Ding suddenly raised his eyes to look at the four thieves, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he asked silently.

The four thieves narrowed their eyes and seemed to be in a particularly good mood. They smiled and said, "That's right, we have eliminated all these thugs. They are too weak. We swished them a few times and they passed out."

When Master Ding heard this, he almost fainted.

These are all thugs he is proud of, so they are so weak?

How powerful are these people?
Master Ding's legs trembled in fright, and he said with a pale face, "What exactly do you want to do? If you want gold coins and treasures, we will give them to you right away, and please leave our Ding's house quickly, and never forget to come again."

The four thieves looked at each other and almost laughed.

Haha, it's so interesting.

The four thieves narrowed their eyes and said with a smile: "Master Ding, have you forgotten what we just said, we not only want gold coins and treasures, but also the two of them?" take away."

Ding Jingtai and Ding Chongyang supported the wall and slowly walked out of the door. When they saw the situation outside, they were also taken aback.

What kind of idol is this, so powerful?
When Master Ding heard the words, he shook his head hastily and said, "No, the two of them can't leave. What if they come back and stab us later?"

The four thieves raised their eyebrows and said nothing.

Master Ding thought there was something to be done, and continued to insist: "I can't agree to this request, but I can give you more gold coins and treasures, so that you can live in peace and happiness for the rest of your life, as long as you keep it secret and never appear in the North Continent for the rest of your life. "

Ding Liufeng also echoed: "Our Ding family has a lot of gold coins and a lot of treasures, which can definitely feed you."

The four thieves licked the corners of their mouths, revealing their banditry again.

Master Ding and Ding Liufeng glanced at each other, haha, if there is a joke, you can tell that they are greedy robbers.

The four thieves thought about it and decided not to play.

Feng Ren glanced at them a few times, with a more ferocious smile in his eyes, "Idiots, we won't play with you anymore, haha..."


(End of this chapter)

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