Chapter 2220 Thunder suddenly struck!
Hearing this, Xilanlu couldn't help clenching his clothes tightly, and said, "Brother, stop talking, I'm about to be scared to death by you..."

If they were really being watched, what were those things in the sky that day?

It can't be a monster, can it?

The kind that eats people?
Xi Lanming looked at her with some disgust, and said, "You didn't bring it up, why are you afraid now?"

Xilanlu trembled, but didn't speak.

As if Xi Lanming didn't notice anything wrong with her, the disgust in her eyes grew stronger and stronger.

At this time, Baili Qinxue and the others also looked at the sky, and they saw countless bright spots.

Those things flicker, really like human eyes.

Seeing this, Baili Qinxue couldn't help squinting her eyes, "Speaking of which, they really look like eyes. What do you think is the shining thing in the sky? Could it be a monster?"

Thinking of the appearance of a monster with blue face and fangs, Xilanlu was scared to pee.

"Ahhh, the monster is so scary, don't come over here..." Xilanlu yelled like crazy.

Xi Lanming was so angry that she brushed her hand away, and said: "Xilan Lu, what is your name, where are there any monsters, don't be afraid that the world will be chaotic."

Xilanlu gradually calmed down when she heard the words, she cast a fierce glance at Baili Qinxue, and said, "It's all because of Baili Qinxue's nonsense scaring me, that's why I screamed..."

Baili Qinxue flattened her mouth amusedly, "It's because you are timid and have the face to blame me?"

Dugu Sheng cast a cold glance at Xi Lanlu, and said with a sneer, "You are really timid, maybe because you are a princess, that's why you are more delicate."

Xilanlu was attacked from both sides, her face turned blue and she was too angry to speak.

Baili Qinxue smiled and raised the corners of her lips, but said nothing.

At this time, it seemed that a thunderbolt flashed between the sky and the earth, and then, a rumbling sound rang in my ears. The sound was terrifying, as if it wanted to tear the sky apart.

Xilanlu's legs trembled in fright, "What's the matter, why did thunder suddenly strike?"

As soon as her words fell, another thunder flashed.

With a bang, another terrifying hurricane was brought up.

Xilanlu screamed and covered her ears with her hands in fright, "Oh my God, the sound is so loud and scary, brother, let's go back, it scared me to death..."

Xilanlu took Xilanming's hand, and the two of them walked a few steps before the ground began to calm down.

The crackling sound kept ringing in my ears, and in an instant, there were cracks on the ground, Xi Lanlu was horrified, she fell unsteadily to the ground.

"What's going on..." Xilanlu turned pale with fright, like a ghost.

Xi Lanming was not much better, "Why is there such a drastic change, what's going on?"

Baili Qinxue and the others were also taken aback.

Although the weather was gloomy just now, it was not likely to thunder. Why did it suddenly thunder?

Baili Qinxue steadied her body slightly, and asked, "Mu Liu, do you usually get thunder?"

Mu Liu shook her head, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes, "No, usually there won't be thunder these few days, why did it suddenly happen today, it's really weird..."

When Xilanlu heard it, her eyes turned scarlet, "This must be a curse, and the curse is going to take revenge on us..."

Xi Lanming shouted angrily, "Don't talk nonsense."

Xilanlu was so frightened that she kept murmuring, "It must be a curse, it must be a curse, we are all going to die..."


(End of this chapter)

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