Chapter 2221 A group of monsters in the sky!
Xilanlu wailed, subconsciously covered her ears with her hands, and fear of death flickered in her eyes.

With a bang, the ground shattered again.

Xi Lanming was also a little unsteady, and fell to the ground in an instant. He stretched out his hand and pulled Xi Lanlu's arm, slapped her face directly, and shouted angrily: "Xilanlu, don't be alarmist, now this We should figure out how to get through this kind of crisis, instead of just talking nonsense."

Hearing this, Baili Qinxue subconsciously looked down at Xi Lanming.

Unexpectedly, although this Xi Lanming's brain is not good on weekdays, it has become much better now.

Xilanlu was beaten into a daze by him, and the fear in her heart was gradually replaced by pain. She covered her face and complained: "Brother, why did you hit me?"

Xi Lanming looked at her with the eyes of an idiot, and said: "You have been going crazy for a while, and now you suddenly go crazy, can you save me from worrying, please shut up for me at this critical moment ?"

Xi Lanlu was scolded all over her head and face by him, and she blinked her eyes again in a daze.

Xi Lanming snorted and looked away.

Xi Lanlu pursed her lips, and it took her a while to react. Looking at the unpredictable weather, she clenched her teeth and was too frightened to speak.

Xi Lanming looked up at Mu Liu, feeling more and more fearful in his heart, "President Mu Liu, what should we do now, the thunder seems to be getting louder."

Mu Liu looked at the thunderbolts flashing across the sky, and lowered his eyelids, as if he was in deep thought.

Seeing his silence, Xi Lanming's fear grew stronger.

At this time, the people who were hiding at home also ran out, with fear on their faces.

"Oh my god, there was thunder. Is this the thunder god's anger?"

"Is the curse about to start again?"

"Oh my god, what crimes did the people of Xinghua City do? Why do they treat us like this?"

"I beg Lord Thunder God to let us poor people go..."

After all, those common people knelt down and kowtowed to Changshengtian.

"Master Thor, please let us go..."

"Let us go, we are willing to exchange all kinds of gold and silver treasures for peace."

With a bang, the ground split open, and those people lay down directly on the ground. In an instant, a layer of fear filled their eyes again, and that fear seemed to be able to swallow their lives.

Baili Qinxue took a few glances at those people, hey, it's really superstitious to believe that there is a Thor in this world.

Dugu Sheng shook her palm and asked, "Axue, what should we do now?"

Just as Baili Qinxue was about to speak, she saw some changes in the sky.

The sky seemed to be torn apart by something, and when the gloomy mist gradually dissipated, the thousands of shining points turned into fierce and terrifying monsters. The monsters stood on the top of the cloud and mist, facing the bottom The people let out a roar.

The roar was deafening, and it hurt people's eardrums.

Baili Qinxue looked at the tens of thousands of monsters in the sky, and suddenly widened her eyes, "What's the matter, is there a group of monsters hidden in the sky?"

Dugu Sheng's eyes were gloomy and he didn't speak.

Zhao Yu and the others were also taken aback, "Oh my God, how did they get up there with so many monsters?"

Mu Liu rested her chin and guessed, "Could it be that the sky in Xinghua City has become so gloomy because of these monsters. When those monsters saw people leaving, they quickly scorched them?"


(End of this chapter)

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