Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 2231 Victory in the resistance battle?

Chapter 2231 Victory in the resistance battle?

Lin Wanwan blinked blankly, "Well, I was feeding you a pill just now, what do you mean by being treated rudely, I just opened your mouth."

Xie Jian held the long sword in front of her eyes, and said: "Feed you medicine, it's already done, benevolence is exhausted, you return it, pick three, pick four."

Xie Jian said word by word, and Xi Lanlu always felt that a century had passed, which made her a little irritable, "I am a princess, you are so rude to me, are you not afraid of my blame?"

Lin Wanwan yawned, and said fearlessly: "Well, then I am the Patriarch of the Lin Family in the Southern Continent, A Yu is the little general, and A Zi is the prince. We are good friends and feel much more noble than you."

When Xilanlu heard this, her face turned pale again.

She even forgot that Lin Wanwan still has such an identity. If the monster really ate Lin Wanwan just now, she would definitely not be able to eat it and walk around. What's more, Lin Wanwan was saved.

"Hehe..." Xilanlu laughed a few times and stopped talking.

After she took the elixir, the wound on her body relieved a lot of pain, and the blood stopped, but she always felt an uncomfortable feeling, as if she would collapse again in the next second.

Lin Wanwan and Xie Jian glanced at her again, then turned around and ignored her.

Now it is important to defend against monsters, Xilan green is just a small role that is dispensable.

They poured their battle energy into the bows and arrows again, and in an instant, the bows and arrows shot out, and many monsters were shot and killed.

Xilanlu was lying on the ground, no matter how much she wailed, no one was paying attention to her now.

Xilanlu bit her lip. Now that her calf was broken, she couldn't walk and could only lie on her back motionless.

Baili Qinxue seemed to have seen Xilanlu's miserable condition, the corners of her lips curled up, and a smile flashed in her dark eyes, "Big Baozi, it seems that Xilanlu's calf was bitten off by a monster, and there is also a wound on her arm .”

Dugu Sheng beheaded the monster that climbed up, and then looked sideways at Xi Lanlu, and indeed saw that her body was covered in blood, and her calf was also bitten off, looking horrible.

"Didn't she faint and be carried into the academy just now?" Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows and sneered, "She ran out like this, and she deserved her death, and now she deserves her calf bitten off."

Baili Qinxue smiled, but said nothing.

They struggled to kill the monster again.

And in a small house not far from them.

The man in purple was staring at the crystal ball on the table for a moment.

The people in the crystal ball were struggling to kill the monsters, and the screams of the monsters continued to come from the crystal ball. The man in purple rubbed the crystal ball with his hands, and his deep and sharp eyes lingered on the crystal ball.

"Hey, it's so boring just killing monsters. Why don't summoners use the art of summoning?" The man in purple blinked his eyes, and a flash of displeasure flashed in his dark eyes.

The man in purple cast his eyes on Baili Qinxue's face, and muttered to himself again, "It's really boring not to use the summoning technique, but those precious monsters are tired, why don't you let them take a rest?" .”

The man in purple put his hands between his lips, hey, his lips raised, a smile flashed in his brows, but it was as deep as the sea, and there was a feeling of astonishment.

He whistled lightly, and in an instant, the picture in the crystal ball changed...

Thousands of magical beasts retreated one by one as if they had received some order.

Baili Qinxue stood on the tower, looking at the scene below, she couldn't help being a little dazed, "What's the matter, the monster retreated automatically?"


(End of this chapter)

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