Chapter 2232 Have a celebration banquet!

Dugu Sheng also looked down the tower, narrowing his eyes, "Yeah, could it be that they all retreated because they were beaten too hard by us?"

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips tightly, "Maybe, but I always feel that it's not easy..."

She always had a strange feeling just now, as if someone was watching their every move not far away, and the monsters in front of her seemed to be controlled, they appeared when they appeared, and retreated when they were asked to retreat, weird Very.

Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, and there was a touch of deepness in his magnetic voice, "Yeah, it's indeed not simple, but it's hard to tell what's abnormal."

Baili Qinxue echoed, "Yes, it's really hard to explain."

They lowered their eyes to look down the tower again, and saw that all the monsters retreated to an open place, and then all of them jumped into the sky.

In an instant, they hid in the clouds again, and the sky that had cleared just now became abnormally gloomy again, seeming to be a bit gloomy than it was at the beginning.

Seeing this, Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng were slightly taken aback.

The picture of the monsters jumping into the clouds just now is really super touching, and it also has a wonderful sense of weirdness.

Not only were they stunned, Zhao Yu and the others were also stunned.

"Did you see it?" Zhao Yu pointed to the sky and said, "All the monsters jumped into the clouds. The scene just now was really terrifying."

Mu Liu wiped the sword in her hand, blinked and said, "Yeah, it's really weird. I've never seen such a scene. It's unimaginable that monsters can jump into the clouds."

Xuanyuan Po raised his eyes to look at the sky, and couldn't help but murmured: "However, it can be confirmed that the reason for this weather is caused by these monsters. If all these monsters are killed, our Xinghua City will be destroyed. Restoring calm."

When the students heard it, they all shouted.

"Yes, as long as the monsters are killed, our Xinghua City will restore peace."

"All of us must work together to kill the monsters, so as to make Xinghua City peaceful."

"Yes, yes, kill all the monsters."

"However, we drove all the monsters into the sky just now, which is considered a good achievement. Haha, next time the monsters come again, I will definitely beat them down."

The students said each sentence one by one, and the atmosphere changed from the heavy one just now to the relaxed one now.

Baili Qinxue looked out of the city tower again, her pupils constricted.

Seeing her expression change, Dugu Sheng couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, Axue?"

Baili Qinxue pointed to the outside of the city tower, and said, "We killed a lot of monsters just now, why are there no corpses of monsters on the ground?"

Could it be that all monsters that have been beheaded will regenerate, so no matter how many they kill, they can't kill them all?

Thinking of this, Baili Qinxue's scalp couldn't help but tingle a little.

Dugu Sheng also glanced down, and a sharp flash flashed in his dark eyes, "Indeed, there are no corpses of monsters, but don't say anything about it, those students are weak, if they say it, they may not be able to tell There will be trouble."

Baili Qinxue nodded when she heard the words, "I understand."

"Haha, just now we completed the defensive battle brilliantly, shall we have a celebration banquet when we go back?" I don't know which student yelled.

As soon as the voice fell, other students also echoed.

After Xuanyuan Po heard their proposal, he couldn't help but said: "Then let's have a celebration banquet, just to wipe away all the fears of these days."


(End of this chapter)

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