Chapter 259 Spy on the enemy!

Erye Liu must have seen that he was lukewarm towards Liu Cheng, so he came to run on him again.

Mu Liu supported her head and sighed slightly.

"It is obvious that the black market does not sell items at high prices, but sells them at reduced prices. It is really disgusting." Baili Qinxue frowned slightly, tapped the table with her fingertips regularly, and said after a while: "Liu The second master's move must be to run you on purpose, so let's go to the black market to have a look, so that we can come up with countermeasures."

"Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to survive a hundred battles." As Mu Liu said, he nodded his head slowly, and said, "Okay, let's go to the black market to have a look. Although I know Liu Erye well, I have never been to the black market. A few times, I just went to take a closer look today.”

Baili Qinxue's forehead.

The black market is at the easternmost part of Xinghua City. I heard that Xinghua City suffered a war a long time ago, and the easternmost place was burned down to only the wreckage of houses. Second Master Liu took advantage of the chaos to occupy that place and used it to It took a full ten years to transform the place into a huge black market today.

The black market is not subject to jurisdiction, there is no need to pay rent, and you can sell things that are not commonly found in the market.

Baili Qinxue originally thought that the black market was a gathering place for flies and mosquitoes, and it must be dark and narrow, with no light to see, but when she stepped into the entrance of the black market, all those ignorant thoughts just now were shattered.

What is dark and narrow, what is not visible...

This place is obviously similar to an ordinary market, but it is a bit bigger. There are various small shops along the street, such as money houses, restaurants, etc., but the appearance of the shops is not as elegant and beautiful as the market, on the contrary, there are some simple ones, even so. It doesn't hurt too much, the black market is full of things, and the price of Yuanling spar has been greatly reduced. At this time, the streets of the black market are full of people.

Fortunately, the road is wide, otherwise it will definitely be squeezed to death.

"All the shops here are owned by Erye Liu, but he can't manage so many shops by himself, so he rents out all the shops. Others can sell whatever they want, and he just needs to sit and collect the rent." Mu Liu Pointing to the shops along the street, he said: "Most of the shops here sell things that are rare in the market, and some things that are not seen in the market are also sold here. Because they are rare, the price will be much higher. .”

Only the things extracted from the stone raw material fell, which is simply hateful.

Mu Liu thought and gritted her teeth.

"What are the dark things?" Baili Qinxue didn't know much about the black market.

"Concealed sword weapons that have been quenched with poison, limbs of monsters, and taboo pills that allow people to temporarily advance, etc." Mu Liu frowned, and said again: "As long as you eat one of these taboo pills, It can continue to advance, but this is only temporary, and it will return to its original state once the effect of the medicine wears off."

"Temporary improvement, it sounds good, why is it called a taboo pill?" Baili Qinxue frowned, a little puzzled.

Jing Ye narrowed his eyes, his eyes showed a little contempt, he didn't even know about this kind of forbidden medicine, he really had little knowledge.

Dugu Sheng seemed to know what Jing Ye was thinking, and poked his stomach with his elbow.

Jing Ye clutched his stomach in pain, not daring to think about anything else.

"Sister, although it can improve temporarily, it has side effects. People who are unlucky will become useless people who cannot condense fighting spirit after eating it, and those who are unlucky will become dead bodies." " Dugu Sheng put his arms around his chest and said: "The elixir with such huge side effects has caused people to fear it over time, so it is naturally listed as a contraindicated product."


(End of this chapter)

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