Chapter 260 Black Market Treasure Pavilion

Mu Liu's eyes lit up, and she said pleasantly, "Your little one has seen a lot."

"He has always been like this. He knows everything I don't know, and I don't know where he heard it from." Baili Qinxue slightly raised her lips, and she was already used to this kind of Dugu Sheng. She turned her head and said: "This kind of Are pills also made by pharmacists?"

Mu Liu nodded.

"In that case, why haven't I seen it in the illustration book?" Baili Qinxue was puzzled.

"Sister, of course it's impossible to write such taboo things in the illustrated book in a fair manner. Almost all the illustrated books that specifically record taboo pills have been burned, and there should be some caught in the net. At this time, of course, some means must be used to obtain them." Dugu Sheng spoke calmly, never paying attention to any taboo pills.

"So that's the case, no wonder I haven't seen it before." Baili Qinxue frowned and thought, "Since they are taboo pills, why do those alchemists still refine them?"

"Who knows, maybe it's because he wanted to seek another height, which caused his personality to be distorted." Dugu Sheng spread his hands and said casually.

"I see." Baili Qinxue nodded understandingly, "Since Erye Liu can get this kind of forbidden medicine, it means that there are still alchemists in this world who are refining this kind of medicine... It's really harmful shallow."

"Actually, most people wouldn't take this kind of elixir." Mu Liu led them to the innermost part of the black market, and he said as he walked, "Only those who are in a hurry will think of this method of digging their own graves." .”

Baili Qinxue chuckled lightly: "After eating it, she might still be praying for better luck."

Just as he was talking, a pavilion came into Baili Qinxue's eyes. This pavilion was gorgeous and exquisite, different from those simple shops along the street.

"This pavilion..." Baili Qinxue raised her eyes subconsciously, and saw the three vigorous characters "Black Market Treasure Pavilion" written on the plaque at the main entrance. Baili Qinxue's eyes lit up, and then suddenly said: "Could it be, Yuan Spirit spar and black iron are sold here?"

The pavilions are tall and majestic, appearing at the same time as the simple shops, but it seems a bit abrupt.

At this time, there were many people coming and going in and out of the pavilion, obviously they were customers who came to buy things.

"This pavilion was opened by Erye Liu himself. Erye Liu pursues luxury, so this pavilion is naturally different from that kind of simple shop." Mu Liu said, and he had already stepped into the pavilion. He looked around, He said again: "There are many rare treasures here, and the gold coins earned every day are countless."

The inside of the pavilion is also astonishingly large. There are all kinds of rare treasures lined up on the wooden cabinets. There are stairs at the corner. Baili Qinxue looked up and saw that the pavilion has three floors, which is really big .

"It's so big..." Baili Qinxue couldn't help sighing.

"The first floor sells elixir, the second floor sells refining materials such as Yuanling spar, and the third floor is a treasure house for storing treasures." Mu Liu led them around the first floor.

On the wooden cabinet on the first floor, there are many pill bottles. Inside the bottle are some vital blood pills and recovery pills, which are necessary for going out. There is also a cabinet made of pure gold next to it, which contains some Xuantian pills and small pills. There are also one or two continuation pills, which are considered high-end pills, so they are naturally more expensive to sell.

It costs about [-] gold coins a piece, which is simply extortion.

Baili Qinxue couldn't help but flatten her mouth as she watched.

She has quite a lot of Xuantian pills and Xiaohuan pills in her space, and she doesn't have all the herbs for Xuling pills, so she has never refined them. If she also opens such a treasure pavilion and sells these pills at a lower price, wouldn't it be all at once? Can it be sold out?


(End of this chapter)

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