Chapter 348 Don't Spit Ice Silk?

"It's really Lin Wanwan, big bun, help me find out if the other two are Zhao Yu and Wei Nanzi."

Dugu Sheng turned over the other two, and said: "It is indeed the ugly man and Wei Nanzi."

"Why are they here? Could it be that they were the ones who broke through the barrier before us, and they also hurt the toad, and the broken hemp rope...Impossible, the hemp rope is stained with a thick layer of dust, it should have been a long time ago, it must be What the previous people did."

As Baili Qinxue spoke, she sniffed Tan Lin Wanwan's breath, and felt that her breath was weak, and even her complexion was as pale as paper, and her lips that should have been bright red were now purple, Wei Nanzi and Zhao Yu were also like this situation.

"They were poisoned..." Baili Qinxue exclaimed, her eyes suddenly turned cold.

"It is indeed a sign of poisoning." Dugu Sheng propped his chin and said: "It is obvious that he was poisoned by the miasma just now, and the poison has already entered the internal organs. If the poison is not detoxified in time, I am afraid..."

Dugu Sheng patted Zhao Yu's head. When he was a child, this ugly man always teased him. Now he has finally recovered. This ugly man was poisoned first and fell to the ground. He really deserved it.

Dugu Sheng repeated the action just now, as if he wanted to let out all the anger he had received in the past few months. Baili Qinxue couldn't stand it anymore, and suddenly grabbed his wrist and said, "He's been poisoned right now, and he wants to vent his anger." Let’s wait until he is detoxified.”

Dugu Sheng's eyes were still stained with anger. Seeing Baili Qinxue holding his wrist, and the delicate touch was also spreading on his wrist, he was startled, his brows furrowed instantly, and he burst into smiles.

"Since it's Ashe's words, I will naturally listen."

Seeing that his anger dissipated, Baili Qinxue put down his wrist.

Dugu Sheng still bent his lips, and when he looked at Zhao Yu who was on the ground, the smile in his eyes disappeared instantly, and some of them were just playful.

"Little Pink, has the toad on top of your head woke up?" Baili Qinxue looked at the toad on top of Little Pink's head, and seeing that it was still unconscious, she gritted her teeth and spat slightly.

"Xuexue, don't worry, even if it's dead, I can wake it up." The arc of the corner of Little Pink's mouth became wider and wider, full of evil intent, it took the toad off its head, Hold it tightly in the palm of your hand, and said viciously: "Ugly thing, don't let me be lazy, if you don't wake me up, I will peel off your skin and dry it like a toad."

Little Pink kept shaking the toad.

The toad was foaming at the mouth after being pinched, and it took a long time to wake up.

"Look Xuexue, won't you wake up now?" Little Pink smiled triumphantly.

The toad was spitting bubbles, and looked at Little Pink with horror in his eyes, the Lord Divine Beast was too cruel to bully the innocent little monster.

"Don't let me be in a daze for ugly things, spit out ice silk to detoxify them immediately." Little Pink patted the toad on the head, and the toad was instantly dazzled by the pat, and almost passed out again.

Little Pink threw the toads to the ground and waved her hand like she was chasing away flies, "Go, go, detoxify them."

Once out of Little Pink's clutches, the toad felt relaxed. It turned around and ran towards Zhao Yu and the others. When it arrived at the destination, the toad croaked a few times, and then froze in place.

"Don't spit ice silk?" Baili Qinxue narrowed her black eyes.

Toad blinked his round eyes, still in a daze.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and there was a hint of annoyance in her eyes.

"It's been bullied by Little Pink so much, I'm afraid it's in a bad mood..." Dugu Sheng said casually, a narrow smile stained the brows and eyes, and rippling between his lips.


(End of this chapter)

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