Chapter 349 Spit out ice silk for me! !

Baili Qinxue raised her lips, but the smile didn't reach her eyes, instead she had a touch of coldness, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh, you're in a bad mood, don't you want to vomit ice?"

The toad trembled all over, this kind of half-smile, with cold eyes, was really scary.

"Little Pink..." Baili Qinxue winked at Little Pink, and Little Pink understood, immediately rolled up the sleeves of her clothes, and rubbed her fingers, her knuckles immediately creaked.

It collected its expression, and approached the toad step by step. Under the few strands of broken hair were a pair of purple eyes soaked in an evil smile. I don't mind teaching you a little more..."

The toad fights fiercely. These days, the evil beasts are in power, and the honest monsters are always bullied, blah blah.

"What are you shaking? Don't spit out ice silk for me." The little pink and purple eyes widened, and the coercion from the beast made the toad breathless. I can't spit out any ice.

It was about to be frightened to death, how could it spit out ice silk.

"Ugly things are disobedient, and they will be beaten." Little Pink rolled up her sleeves again, pinched the toad by the neck, and swayed it from side to side. Stars appeared in the toad's eyes, and it foamed at the mouth again. It felt that it was about to died.

And after it foamed for a while, it didn't stop, the air around it suddenly froze, and strands of icy air lingered around the toad's mouth, and the cool icy air became thicker and thicker. The thicker it is, the more the temperature drops, as if falling into an ice cellar.


Baili Qinxue actually saw many ice strands on the ground. The ice strands were intertwined, transparent, clear, beautiful and clean, as if one could see a clear world through them.

"Is this the ice silk spit out by the toad?" Baili Qinxue touched the ice silk on the ground, only feeling a bone-piercing coolness spread on her fingertips, almost frostbite her fingers.

"This is ice silk that can detoxify." Dugu Sheng took her hand and wrapped her hand with a big palm. In an instant, the warmth spread on the skin and lightly across the apex of the heart. Baili Qinxue subconsciously He squeezed his fingers together, his cheeks were flushed.

Dugu Sheng's smile remained the same, his voice was lazy, and there was endless pampering, he said: "Bingsi is too cold, be careful not to hurt your hands."

"Ah, um..." Baili Qinxue lowered her eyes and responded softly.

Little Pink picked up the ice shreds and fed them to eat. It only needed a small amount of ice shreds, and the miasma poison in the three of them was alleviated, their complexions returned to rosy, and the crimson purple on their lips gradually faded, returning to their original color. Color, I think the poison has been completely removed, and it is only a matter of time before I wake up.

Seeing this scene, Baili Qinxue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After letting loose in one breath, Baili Qinxue shook her body, subconsciously wrapped her arms around her arms to keep warm, the surrounding ice was getting colder and colder, some places even had a thin layer of ice, and the transparent icicles gleamed under the light. Shining, beautiful and flawless, clean and white, it really looks like an ice cave at first glance.

"Toad, don't spit out ice silk for me. The good tomb has turned into an ice cave at this moment. The three people who were poisoned have just been cured. I'm afraid you will freeze to death." Baili Qinxue rolled her black eyes.

The temperature in the tomb is too low, and white mist always comes out of his mouth when he speaks, and it takes a long time for him to dissipate.


(End of this chapter)

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