Chapter 350 Vibration in the trail

The toad was frightened, and kept spitting out ice silk.

It is said that the ice shreds of the thousand-year-old toad are extremely precious and rare, but what is going on with this toad now, it keeps spitting out the ice shreds, making the ice shreds look like rotten cabbage?
"Ugly thing, shut up." Little Pink patted the toad's head fiercely, and it trembled and said, "If you spit out ice shreds for me again, this bubble will peel off your skin and swallow you in one bite. The whole body will not be left to you."

Little Pink's words were really effective. Toad was stunned when he heard it, shook his body three times, and immediately closed his lips tightly, so that the ice silk did not continue to overflow.

The toad didn't spit out ice, and the temperature in the tomb suddenly rose. Baili Qinxue took a deep breath, and condensed the fire magic in his palm. The flame kept burning the thin ice on the stone wall. After a while, the thin ice melted, leaving only Baili Qinxue moved the flames in front of Zhao Yu and the others again.

The scorching flames danced in front of them, and within a short while, the face that had been frozen blue by the air-conditioning gradually turned red. Baili Qinxue felt relieved, and slowly withdrew the fire magic.

"Axue, quickly put away the ice silk on the ground, it's rare that it vomited so much, don't waste it." Dugu Sheng pointed to the ice silk on the ground, the ice silk all over the ground, like transparent crystal, extremely beautiful.

"The scorching flame just now didn't melt them. They really are excellent things." Baili Qinxue took out a brocade box from the space with a smile, and when she wanted to reach for the ice silk, Dugu Sheng had already moved her With one step, he picked up the ice silk and put it into a brocade box.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said: "I have rough skin and thick flesh, so let the cold air freeze me."

Baili Qinxue was startled, and threw the brocade box into the space without saying a word.

Dugu Sheng looked at her with his chin propped up, his eyes were burning and tender, as if he couldn't get tired of looking at her no matter what.

At this time, the toad was lying on the ground with its head down, as if it was repenting for its mistakes. He kept shaking his small body, beeping that it did something wrong, so don't eat it.

"Toad, you can spit out ice silk in time and saved my friend. I should thank you." Baili Qinxue raised her lips, the lightness between her eyebrows and eyes gradually faded, and her voice became softer, she said : "However, you have frostbitten the big guy, even if the merits and demerits are offset, don't keep your head down, we have no intention of eating you."

Hearing the words, the toad slowly raised its eyes, and the expression in the eyes became brighter and brighter, like a bright pearl, exuding a scorching brilliance, Baili Qinxue was terrified by its small eyes.

Toad stared at it for a while, then finally looked away.

Little Pink lifted the toad up and placed it on top of her head, and the toad lay on top of its head with a cute little appearance.

"Bang bang bang—" deep in the path, there was a vibration like an earthquake.

Even though she was far away from the depths of the path, Baili Qinxue felt her whole body was shaken, and the vibration sound became louder and clearer, as if it was close to her ears.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, she felt something was about to move in the depths of the path, but just now she couldn't detect the breath of living things...

Baili Qinxue frowned slightly.

"Axue, don't frown. Some things like to hide their aura. When the prey approaches, it will wait for the opportunity." Dugu Sheng smoothed the wrinkles on her forehead, and smiled with curved lips.

The warmth between her brows made her heart tremble slightly.

She lowered her eyelids, and her curly eyelashes trembled slightly at this time, she said: "It should be a powerful thing to be able to hide one's own breath, and it can make such a deafening sound, the level must not be low. "


(End of this chapter)

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