Chapter 393 The Collapsed Tomb!
Baili Qinxue turned her head to look at the passage, and before she had glanced a few times, a large stone gate fell from the sky above the passage, and the large stone gate fell quickly and quickly blocked the passage.

My God, the big stone gate actually closed by itself...

Baili Qinxue stepped forward and pushed the big stone gate, but the big stone gate didn't move at all, sealing the passage tightly, and it was completely impossible to get in.

"Axue leave quickly, the tomb is about to collapse." Dugu Sheng embraced her, and led her away from the entrance of the passage, far away.

Zhao Yu, the three of them, and five beasts also quickly evacuated after hearing the news.

The few people had just evacuated when the tomb really collapsed.

The loud sound of "rumbling" continued to resound throughout Taoyuan Cave, and even the ground was shaken by it.

Baili Qinxue reached out and grabbed Dugu Sheng's clothes, which allowed her to find a balance point so that she would not be knocked down to the ground. While shaking, she subconsciously raised her eyes to look.

However, the tomb was collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the surrounding pebbles were constantly flying with dust. The scene was terrifying and chaotic. When the tomb stopped collapsing, the vibration of the ground also stopped.

In the middle, there is probably a time for a stick of incense.

Baili Qinxue looked up again, but the dust in front of her was still flying up, hazy and obstructing her vision. Baili Qinxue fanned it with her hands, trying to push the dust away from her eyes.

It took a long time for the dust in front of him to settle down, and the scene in front of him was clearly reflected in Baili Qinxue's eyes.

The huge and terrifying tomb has collapsed completely, only the pointed top is exposed, the top breaks through the dust and stands quietly, and the top is pitch black with sharp fangs, which seems to be even more eerie.

"It's actually collapsed..." Baili Qinxue stood still and murmured softly.

Dugu Sheng said with a smile: "We have already walked into the depths of the tomb and obtained all kinds of treasures inside, but the empty tomb has no value, and its final destination is to collapse."

Hearing what he said, Baili Qinxue suddenly realized that there was nothing worth using, and its final destination was to collapse down, just like the big tree just now, without the lifeblood of the magic beast crystal core, it could only collapse and return to dust.

"It is also a good thing that the tomb collapses, so that no one will rush in and lose their lives in vain." Zhao Yu said casually. He opened his arms and felt the heat of the sun carefully. The smile in his eyes was equally insolent and enthusiastic.

Baili Qinxue smiled and said nothing.

After he came out, Wei Nanzi took the big tiger into the World of Warcraft space. There were college students all over the place. Although he had contracted a good Warcraft, he didn't want to be exposed to others, he didn't want to show off, and he wanted to keep some time for himself. The last hole card.

Zhao Yu and Lin Wanwan also took the contracted monsters into the monster space one after another. As for the stinky bear, Lin Wanwan hugged it and teased it.

Seeing that they all took back the monsters, Baili Qinxue subconsciously looked at Little Pink.

Little Pink trembled, and hurriedly said: "Xuexue, don't get me in, it's not fun inside, I want to see more of the colorful world outside, to broaden my horizons..."

"I didn't say I was going to get you in. No one with your appearance would know that you are a divine beast, and..." Baili Qinxue leaned forward and whispered in its ear, "My small army of magical beasts still needs to be killed." It's up to you to find out."

After hearing this, Little Pink nodded frequently, and patted her chest to reassure: "Xuexue, don't worry, I will handle this matter properly."


(End of this chapter)

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