Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 394 Saying that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are coming

Chapter 394 Saying that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are coming

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, her eyes flickered, and she subconsciously looked at the toad on top of Little Pink's head again. The cold look made the toad stand on its back, and it trembled all over and couldn't stop backing away. Suddenly, it One step on the back leg...

Little Pink felt something, reached out to catch it and squeezed it in the palm of her hand to play with.

Baili Qinxue sneered and said: "Don't worry, you look like an ordinary toad, you just stay outside with Little Pink, it seems that it can't do without you."

The toad has a flat mouth, and the Master Divine Beast cannot do without it, because if it leaves, who will be bullied by the Master Divine Beast.

Little Pink was overjoyed, and took the toad by its front legs, swinging it around to play.

"Speaking of which, the trip to the tomb has come to an end." Zhao Yu stretched.

Baili Qinxue responded: "Yes, it can be regarded as a good harvest."

Zhao Yu took advantage of the situation and said, "It's not just a lot of money, it's like returning home with a full load."

Lin Wanwan nodded abruptly.

"Then what should we do next?" Wei Nanzi frowned slightly. The monster has been contracted and the treasure has been found. The time of day is a bit too long.

Zhao Yu thought about it for a while, then said: "Let's go and look for Xuanyuan Po and Mu Liu, they should be looking for us too, at least they should report their safety."

Wei Nanzi felt that it was reasonable, so she also nodded.

Just as he was talking, he heard a burst of noise coming from the forest, and the voice of "Xisuo Xisuo" came from far to near. Baili Qinxue suddenly narrowed his eyes, and there seemed to be a ray of light flickering in the palm of his hand.

Dugu Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly, but his expression was still leisurely.

The noise in the forest suddenly stopped, and at this time two figures suddenly jumped down from the big tree, one golden and one black, and the sleeves of their clothes fluttered with the wind, bringing out strands of soft curves.

The visitor had a strong aura, but no murderous intent. Baili Qinxue suddenly relaxed, and the light flickering in her palm suddenly dimmed. She raised her head and looked at the visitor. It gradually melted away like snow, and a wisp of fine ripples slowly faded away under the eyes.

It was Mu Liu and Xuanyuan Po who came.

Mu Liu was still wearing a golden brocade robe, with a smile as warm as the sun in his eyes, but his face was a little tired, and there were some dirt marks on his body, making him look a little embarrassed.

Xuanyuan Po stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes were clear, and the corners of his mouth were slightly pursed. Compared to Mu Liu's embarrassment, he was a little better.He raised his eyes, and his black eyes as deep as the sea swept towards everyone. When he saw Zhao Yu and the others standing safe and sound, Baili Qinxue saw that his brows relaxed slightly, as if he was relieved.

He walked forward with a flick of his sleeves, and when he saw the collapsed tomb, his brows were drawn down and his eyes deepened.

Mu Liu had already stepped forward before him, and after standing still beside Zhao Yu and the others, she smiled and reproached: "It's good that you are safe and sound, but let us find them easily."

Zhao Yu also grinned and said, "We're going to look for you too, but I know you're amazing, so nothing will happen."

Mu Liu patted Zhao Yu's shoulder, looking like two good brothers, he said: "We were frightened when we heard the sound of the tomb collapsing just now, and thought you were trapped in the tomb and couldn't get out, see Don’t feel at ease until you are safe and sound, tell me how you escaped after being attacked by the miasma.”

Wei Nanzi and Lin Wanwan looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.


(End of this chapter)

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