Chapter 615 Grab his heart!
"Mother." Baili Liuxu put down the vase in her hand, threw herself into the arms of the second lady and said coquettishly: "Brother, he... actually wants to marry that bitch Dongfang Duoer. The person my brother likes is obviously me. How can he marry Dongfang Duo'er?" Doer..."

"Okay, stop yelling." The second lady patted her on the shoulder, her voice was so soft that it almost dripped, "I knew about this a long time ago, isn't it just to marry Dongfang Duo'er, look at you of."

Baili Liuxu sobbed a few times, then raised her head again and said: "Isn't it just Dongfang Duo'er, the person my brother likes is me, how can I let that bitch share my brother with me, someone who can be the mistress It's me, why should I let Dongfang Duoer go first, she is just a broken arm..."

"You also said that she is just a broken arm." The second lady helped her up, and smiled a few times: "Dongfang Duoer's family background is deep, and the marriage between the owner and their family is just because of their family background. Presumably Qing'er That child thinks the same way, otherwise how could he marry a broken arm."

"Really?" Baili Liuxu raised her eyes and asked eagerly.

"Of course, I just talked with the master on the sidelines. He said that the marriage with the Dongfang family is because of their family property. Otherwise, how can a broken arm and a waste let her into the Murong family?" The second lady narrowed her eyes. Eyes, a cold light appeared in the eyes, "Don't worry now, wait until Dongfang Duo'er passes through the door and empty out their family. This Dongfang Duo'er is not in our hands, a waste who can't even make medicine, Why don't you obediently let us bully you?"

"Mother..." Baili Liuxu's eyes were shining brightly, and only then did she realize that Dongfang Duo'er is different from the past, and she is still a complete waste with a broken arm, "Mother is right, Dongfang Duo'er is just a waste at the moment. If you enter Murong's house, you must accept our hospitality."

"This is my good daughter." The second lady rubbed her hair and said, "The only thing you have to do now is to grasp Qing'er's heart well. The Patriarch is not in good health. Give it to Qing'er, when Qing'er sets you up, you will be the mistress of the house, and I can rely on my daughter to enjoy my happiness."

Baili Liuxu's eyes showed longing, "I will hold my brother's heart well."

The second lady took out a small bottle from her sleeve, handed it to her hand and said ambiguously: "Use the contents of this bottle when necessary, to ensure that Qing'er will be fascinated by you..."

Baili Liuxu's pretty face blushed, "Mother..."

"Speaking of which, I think Dongfang Duo'er has been very unlucky these past few days, stealing, being treated as a guinea pig, and having her arm broken..." Baili Liuxu swallowed, and said in a panic: "Mother, do you think it will happen?" Is it the ghost of the little bitch Baili Qinxue who came to seek revenge on us?"

The second lady's complexion changed, she glared at her and said: "What are you talking about, you girl is stupid, how can there be ghosts in this world, that little bitch Baili Qinxue has been fooled by a fifth-order monster died."

"But mother..." Baili Liuxu's complexion turned pale, "I met someone in the college who is similar in figure to Baili Qinxue, and even has similar eyesight, but I tried every possible way to test her and never showed her feet."

"It's about the same as you said." The second lady didn't care, and said: "You just have to remember, that bitch is dead, the most important thing for you now is to catch Qing'er's heart, no matter what method you use, use means , or use your body."


(End of this chapter)

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