Chapter 616
Speaking of her body, Baili Liuxu lowered her head in shame, she had already been with Murong...

The mother and daughter talked for a while, and the second lady got up to leave. Baili Liuxu hid the small bottle that the second lady gave her in her cuff. This kind of good thing should be used soon.

On the second day, Dongfang Duoer really went to the academy.

She didn't go anywhere, and went directly to Murong Qing.Murong Qing was sitting in the back garden talking with Baili Liuxu, the two laughed when they talked about something funny, Baili Liuxu twisted her slender waist and almost fell into Murong Qing's arms.

Dongfang Duoer looked at it from a distance, feeling annoyed.

She used to think that Murong Qing and Baili Liuxu had a very good relationship, maybe they were brother and sister, that's why they were so good, but now that she thought about it carefully, she felt something was wrong, Baili Liuxu was just an oil bottle and had no blood relationship with Murong Qing , they are able to do things like that...

Could it be that Baili Liuxu wanted to do those despicable things?
"Okay, that bitch actually wanted to plot against my fiancé." Dongfang Duo'er stomped her feet angrily, but she was only relying on guesswork without substantial evidence.

She stepped forward, sat down beside Murong Qing and said: "Brother Murong, you two have a really good relationship, did you come here to enjoy the flowers together?"

Dongfang Duo'er held Murong Qing's arm, smiling very sweetly.

Both of them were taken aback by her arrival, especially Baili Liuxu, whose whole face was flushed as if she had been caught by some kind of braid, her eyes were erratic, and the way she scolded the little bitch yesterday was also the same. Dissipated without a trace.

Murong Qing's expression was exceptionally calm, he said: "To be free, I went to the backyard with my younger sister to enjoy the flowers. I also saw a lot of beautiful flowers, and I am having a good time watching them."

"That's it..." Dongfang Duo'er smiled even more charmingly, she twisted her body, the softness on her chest brushed against Murong Qing's arm, Murong Qing trembled all over, and there was something different in her eyes Emotions.

Dongfang Duoer continued to twist her body like a fairy.

So coquettish!

Baili Liuxu's eyes were on the verge of burning, this bitch would openly do such a careless thing.

"Miss Duo'er and brother have such a good relationship." Baili Liuxu smiled but did not smile, but clenched her fingertips tightly, "I heard that your wedding date has been fixed, and I have to call Miss Duo'er when the time comes." Sister-in-law."

"Sister-in-law?" Dongfang Duo'er raised her eyebrows and couldn't help but sneered, "I always feel like I'm getting old..."

Baili Liuxu's complexion changed, and she gave her a hard look.

Dongfang Duo'er pursed her lips and smiled, and said: "Brother Murong, do you think this is the case, and you call me old?"

"How could it be?" Murong Qing pushed her chest with his arm, and said: "Miss Duo'er is beautiful, Zuo is just a title, how can I call you old?"

Dongfang Duo'er trembled all over, like a puddle of mud, fell straight into Murong Qing's arms, wrapped his hands around his neck, and said with a coquettish smile: "Brother Murong can really talk, I think so, It’s just a title, how can you call me old?”

Dongfang Duo'er looked at Baili Liuxu.

Baili Liuxu took a deep breath in her heart, but she had nothing to vent. She turned her head and happened to see Weinan Lin Che walking slowly towards this side, and Lin Fenglie was still following him.

Baili Liuxu rolled her eyes and thought of a plan, "Miss Duo'er, don't you think that is the third prince, he is walking towards us!"


(End of this chapter)

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