Chapter 644 Dongfang Duoer Did It

"Damn girl, the masters didn't even open their mouths to speak, but you opened your mouth before the master. You really have no rules. If others don't know, they think Miss Duo'er can't teach well." Baili Liuxu glanced at her. They glanced at each other and straightened their clothes calmly.

Dongfang Duo'er suddenly lost face, she gave the servant girl a sideways look, and shouted sharply: "If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb."

The servant girl's face turned red, and she obediently stopped talking, but scolded them both in her heart.

"Baili Liuxu, what were you talking about with those burly men just now? How did you open up your clothes?" Dongfang Duo'er continued to hold on to this topic, with a very uncomfortable smile in his eyes.

"Ask knowingly..." Baili Liuxu murmured, at this moment she was [-]% sure that these burly men were bought by Dongfang Duo'er, with the purpose of destroying her innocence and making a fool of her.

Because Dongfang Duo'er already knew about her and Murong Qing's could a vicious person like Dongfang Duo'er miss this good opportunity and not take action?

Fortunately, the letter appeared in time, otherwise, she might not have suspected Dongfang Duo'er, she clenched her fists, the coldness in her eyes deepened, she said: "Those burly men just wanted to treat me I sent them out, but I heard from their conversation that they were bought by someone, as for who was bought, I believe someone should know best."

"Oh, so it was bought." Dongfang Duo'er was a little disappointed, "I thought it was your old time, but it turned out that I coveted your beauty and wanted to cheat on you..."

Dongfang Duo'er flattened her mouth, so this little bitch didn't get involved with those burly guys?
If she was a few steps late just now, those burly men might have succeeded. Dongfang Duo'er pursed her lips in annoyance. She opened her lips and subconsciously asked, "They didn't succeed?"

"Of course not." Baili Liuxu sneered, "Isn't someone the clearest?"

Dongfang Duo'er felt something was wrong when she heard it, is this little bitch suspicious of her?

"You are doubting me, do you think I invited these burly men?" Dongfang Duo'er twisted her cheeks in anger, looked at Baili Liuxu fiercely and said: "This girl doesn't bother to invite some Bulky man, if this girl wants to do anything to you, she will just invite a bunch of killers..."

"I didn't say you did it. I can't help you if you want to be right." Baili Liuxu took a step forward, raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "Those burly guys are really hateful. If I catch them Now, I will make them suffer, and the buyer who hired them, I will make her pay the price."

Her eyes flicked on Dongfang Duo'er.

Dongfang Duo'er felt uncomfortable when she heard it, just as she was about to sarcastically sarcastically, she saw the maid who was lying on the ground whimpering, and then woke up.

"Miss, a few burly men came aggressively just now, are you okay?" The servant girl turned up, looked around in horror, and after confirming that the burly man had left, she quickly breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay, okay , the burly man has already left..."

Dongfang Duo'er stared at the servant girl unkindly, she had grown courageous, and dared to speak before her.

Baili Liuxu looked at the servant girl with a gentle face, and said, "There are no more burly men, I beat them all away."


(End of this chapter)

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