Chapter 645 She Planned It All
The servant girl was terrified, she must have taken the wrong medicine, she was so gentle.

"Since there's nothing else to do, let's go down the mountain." Dongfang Duo'er snorted, turned around and left.

Baili Liuxu stood there and stared downcast, since Dongfang Duo'er already knew about her and Murong Qing's affairs, and had already taken action, then she could no longer sit still.

"Miss, are you going?" The servant girl couldn't help asking when she saw her frozen in place.

"Who said I won't leave." Baili Liuxu hid the emotion in her eyes and stepped out.

The way down the mountain felt a bit steeper than when we came here. Baili Liuxu's legs were already sore, and after walking for half a day, he was attacked by a burly man, and his whole leg was almost paralyzed. Walking back, Baili Liuxu felt a stomachache just thinking about it.

"Miss Baili, are you unable to walk?" Dongfang Duo'er turned her head with a smile, "If you can't walk, we can find a carriage to take us back."

Baili Liuxu straightened her back and said, "Who says I can't walk anymore, I can still walk."

"Then let's continue walking..." Dongfang Duo'er smiled, and quickly looked away.

Baili Liuxu walked with a limp, even if she was tired and paralyzed, she would not show weakness to Dongfang Duo'er.

As soon as the figures of the two disappeared, Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng came out from the dark and stood upright on the top of the mountain. The wind blew their black robes, and they looked very strange when they flew around.

"The suspicion between them is getting deeper and deeper." Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, a small face covered in black mud was reflected in the sunlight, it looked very ordinary, only her eyes were clear, and she looked very energetic.

Dugu Sheng stroked the mask on his face, and said with a smile: "The suspicion between them was not planned by Axue, the letter, and then..."

Before he finished speaking, those burly men came over, nodded and bowed to them, "My lord, the matter you told us has been settled, shouldn't you give us the remaining gold coins? "

"I can't do without you." Baili Qinxue threw half a bag of gold coins to them, and said, "Go quickly after you take the gold coins, or if Baili Liuxu catches you, it will be the end of your game."

"That stinky bitch is very coquettish, and she still pretends to be a pure and strong woman. If the nobleman hadn't told her to leave when another beauty came, and said such things, we would have given that coquettish thing..." A burly man imagining the feeling of the hand at that time, couldn't help but sigh, and his body became a little hot.

Dugu Sheng frowned, and looked at them with extreme disgust, "Take the gold coins and let me go, if you keep them, aren't you afraid that we will kill people to silence them?"

The magnetic and deep voice was somewhat bloodthirsty.

The burly men were startled, and they ran away while clutching the purse in their hands, "That man in the mask is so scary, not only the mask is scary, but also the voice is scary, let's take these gold coins and go to the brothel to find a woman, just now We have no luck with that woman..."

The voices of several people gradually drifted away, and their figures quickly disappeared.

"Those people were noisy, but they were a little quieter after they left." Baili Qinxue looked at the direction they were leaving, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly, "However, they did a good job, and they took all the points out of the way." Dongfang Duoer pointed to, plus the letter we sent over, Baili Liuxu will definitely think that these are all made by Dongfang Duoer."


(End of this chapter)

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