Chapter 646 She Already Knows It All!

"Plus, Baili Liuxu has suffered this boring loss, and she will definitely find a way to get it back in the future." Dugu Sheng followed her words, his eyes reflected in the sun were unparalleled, "This is what Axue said Cutting flesh with a blunt knife will not give them pleasure one at a time, but will make them suffer little by little, causing them to kill each other, and when the whole story is revealed in the future, they will be in so much pain that they would rather die."

Baili Qinxue nodded lightly, and a gleam of clarity entered her eyes as her eyes moved, "I just added some catalysts in it to make them fight more excitingly, haha."

"I'm also lucky to be able to see such a wonderful picture of Xiangdu." Dugu Sheng bent his lips, his smile still shining.

"Since the important matter is done, let's go." Baili Qinxue touched the dirt on her hand, frowned and said, "It's really uncomfortable to rub this dirt on your face, you have to go back and wash it."

"I'll wash Axue up..." Dugu Sheng blinked ambiguously.

Baili Qinxue glanced at him and said nothing,

The two returned to the house happily, but Baili Liuxu's side was cloudy, and she started smashing things as soon as she got home. It sank a little.

The second lady twisted the waist of the water snake, approached slowly and said: "My daughter, why have you started smashing things again? Have you forgotten the things your mother gave you a few days ago?"

"Mother, I haven't forgotten, I just feel very uncomfortable." Baili Liuxu slumped on the chair suddenly, the pain in her thigh made her frown, "Mother, do you know that Dongfang Duoer is in trouble again today?" Daughter, seeing that her legs and feet are inconvenient, she proposed to go on foot to the temple outside Xinghua City to offer incense and pray for blessings."

"There is such a thing?" The second lady frowned, how dare that little bitch make things difficult for her daughter?
"Yeah, even if she breaks an arm, she still can't change her vicious nature, it's really disgusting." Baili Liuxu spat directly.

"However, what's the matter with your leg? It's sore for no reason?" The second lady looked suspicious.

Baili Liuxu's cheeks blushed, thinking of Murong Qing's wildness last night, he became a little hot, " brother came to my room last night, I don't know what's wrong, he was so wild last night, which made my daughter mess up." Got a daughter..."

Baili Liuxu covered her cheeks, too ashamed to speak further.

The second lady is someone who has been here and fully understands the meaning of Baili Liuxu's words. She was overjoyed and asked quickly: "You have already handed over your body to Qing'er, and he wanted you so wildly over and over again last night?"

Baili Liuxu lowered her eyes and nodded shyly.

The second lady raised her eyebrows, her expression was full of pride, "As expected of my good daughter, Qing'er is already infatuated with your body, as long as you continue to make him infatuated, do your best to serve him well , the position of being the mistress will be yours in the future."

"My daughter has been taking good care of him..." Baili Liuxu pursed her lips, her eyes trembled, and suddenly she thought of something very important, and her face became serious, "Mother, that bitch Dongfang Duoer You already know about my brother and I, but she still plans to destroy my innocence today..."

The second lady's eyebrows jumped, and she asked quickly: "What do you mean?"

Baili Liuxu took out the hidden letterhead, handed it to the second lady, and said, "I was praying and offering incense in the temple today. A little boy was entrusted to bring me this letterhead. As soon as I saw the content on the letterhead, I was immediately terrified."


(End of this chapter)

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