Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 647 Warcraft offensive and defensive battle!

Chapter 647 Warcraft offensive and defensive battle!
The second lady opened the letterhead, her expression darkened a bit, "Could it be someone else's prank, what you and Qing'er did must be hidden, how would Dongfang Duo'er know?"

"It can't be a prank." Baili Liuxu shook his head and said, "Otherwise, why would Dongfang Duo'er target me everywhere? Today, when some burly men wanted to destroy my innocence, they still called Dongfang Duo'er as their employer. When they saw her coming, they would call Dongfang Duo'er." They all ran away, if she didn't know about it, would she do such a vicious thing?"

"Dongfang Duo'er is vicious..." The second lady's voice gradually decreased, and finally she narrowed her eyes and said, "But what she did this time... must have known something, but why did she end up at the end?" Wouldn't it be a matter of course to rush in at a critical moment and finish the matter directly?"

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Baili Liuxu was very dissatisfied after hearing this, she frowned and said, "That little bitch Dongfang Duoer must have wanted those big men to scare me, and rushed in at the last moment just to For those who saw my joke, it’s a good thing that my daughter desperately pricked her with needles, otherwise she would definitely be laughed at by that little bitch.”

"That little bitch Dongfang Duo'er is really vicious." The second lady also believed that it was Dongfang Duo'er's doing, "You actually bullied my daughter. After she enters the door, why don't I punish her to death?"

"Mother, my daughter would have been killed by her when she came in." Baili Liuxu didn't follow her, and hurriedly tugged on Dongfang Duo'er's sleeve and said, "She has come up with such a vicious method right now, and she will definitely be more unscrupulous in the future , if my daughter doesn't fight back, she will think I'm easy to bully."

After hearing this, the second lady nodded and said: "We really can't be bullied for nothing... I heard that there will be a war of warcraft attack and defense in your college in a few days, and you can trip her or something at that time, and you are Magician, she is just a broken arm, can she beat you?"

"That's right, she's just a useless broken arm..." Baili Liuxu regained her confidence, her lips curled up.

Dongfang Duo'er always felt a little uneasy after returning to the house, as if someone had missed her, and her whole body began to feel cold. She rubbed her shoulders, and the image of Zhongbaili Liuxu suddenly appeared in her mind.

Yes, the little bitch Baili Liuxu must be thinking of some way to punish her.

She must also think of a good way to punish her...

A few days later, the War of Warcraft attack and defense came as scheduled, and all the students rushed to stand in the open space of the college. Elder Lin came slowly surrounded by his disciples.

He still had the fluttering clothes and the fairy-like appearance, but in fact he was dark and evil in his heart. He waved his hand, and the students fell silent in an instant.

Elder Lin stroked his beard in satisfaction, and said with a smile, "Today is the opening day of Warcraft's offensive and defensive battle, and it is also to test how much you have learned in these few months."

As soon as the words came out, the students cheered immediately.

"It seems that you all have high fighting spirit. Next, let me talk about the rules of this offensive and defensive battle." Lin Lao flicked his sleeves, then sat on the chair and smiled: "The offensive and defensive battle, that is to say It is necessary to defend, but also to take the initiative to attack the target. Later, I will teleport you to the besieged city of the college, where there are cities all over the east, west, north and south. I want you to defend the city after you capture it, and also Hunt and kill many monsters."

"And these monsters, they will come to destroy your city, or capture your city. Once the city is captured, some of you will lose the qualification for offensive and defensive warfare."


(End of this chapter)

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