Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 667 There Will Be Another Time...Kill You

Chapter 667 There Will Be Another Time...Kill You
Baili Liuxu's face turned pale again and again, and she froze in place.

Wei Nan Lin Che passed by her and whispered in her ear: "I believe that Miss Baili is not lying, nor is she taking advantage of her own whims to play tricks."

"Third Prince..." Baili Liuxu trembled, and went to Weinan Lin Che in surprise.

Wei Nan Lin Che also lowered his head to look at her, his warm eyes were dyed the color of moonlight, making him look extremely bewitching.

Baili Liuxu couldn't help taking a step back, and for some reason, she always felt that Lin Che in Weinan at this moment was very strange and terrifying.

"Do you know why?" Weinan Lin Che took a step forward, and quickly pushed Baili Liuxu into a corner.

Baili Liuxu shook her head suddenly, and said in a crying voice, "I don't know... what's wrong with you, Third Prince, don't scare me..."

"Useless stuff." Weinan Lin Che sneered, the warm smile in his eyes was no longer there, there was only a twisted smile, he grinned and said: "Because, I was the one who sent Dongfang Duo'er into the room." .”

Hearing this, Baili Liuxu's eyes widened suddenly, so she did indeed put Dongfang Duo'er in his room, and the mistake was not on her, but on Weinan Lin Che.

"Why?" Baili Liuxu asked with a trembling voice, "Aren't men completely helpless against such a seductive woman..."

"I hate people taking advantage of me." Lin Che Weinan raised his eyebrows, and clasped Baili Liuxu's chin firmly, "It's fine that you and Dongfang Duo'er are not at odds, but you absolutely shouldn't drag me into the water."

Baili Liuxu choked for breath, Weinan Lin Che in front of her was like a devil with a frightening expression.

"Third Prince, I..."

Weinan Lin Che took a deep breath, continued to frowned and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter how you and Dongfang Duo'er fight, who lives and who dies, or both lose, as long as you don't provoke me, you can do whatever you want."

"Third Prince, I was wrong, and I dare not do it again." Baili Liuxu cried and begged for mercy.

After admiring her terrified expression, Lin Che finally let go, and said, "Remember what you said today, if there is a next time, I won't let you go like this for nothing."

Baili Liuxu clutched her chin and nodded repeatedly. The Weinan Lin Che in front of her was more terrifying than the devil. If she dared to disobey him, she might not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Seeing her like this, Wei Nan Lin Che's eyes returned to normal color, extremely warm, he smiled and said: "In the future, you have to think carefully about what you do, some people can be offended, and some people can't be offended."

Baili Liuxu nodded abruptly.

Wei Nan Lin Che was very satisfied, he flung his sleeves and left.

As soon as he left, Baili Liuxu collapsed on the ground. At this moment, she finally understood that Weinan Lin Che was not as gentle and friendly as he appeared on the surface. He was a ferocious and terrifying devil in his bones. As long as he could say it, he could do it.

Fortunately, she admitted it just now and gave in, otherwise...

Baili Liuxu patted her chest with lingering fear, and stood up slowly. If she had just thrown Dongfang Duo'er into Shangguan Yun's room or Xilanming's room, would the ending be different?

She lifted the hem of her skirt and left without looking back, as if being chased by a fierce ghost.

There was a night of farce in the south, but the north was peaceful all night and slept soundly.

Maybe it's because she slept in the college's residence for a long time, and she's not used to sleeping in the palace, so Baili Qinxue woke up early.

After washing up, she went for a walk around the city, and also took a look at the fish in the pond, and the pheasants and hares in the bamboo pen.


(End of this chapter)

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