Chapter 668 Have You Heard Of Summoners?
It may be because they were fed space well water. These little guys are alive and kicking, but they are a little timid. Baili Qinxue made a little movement, and these little things all shrank together. The color of horror.

"A coward." Baili Qinxue shook her head helplessly, and walked around the city with her hands behind her back.

She thought she got up very early, but she never thought that someone else was earlier than her.

On the majestic and towering city tower, Xuanyuan Po stood with his hands behind his back, his deep black clothes billowing in the wind, and the awe-inspiring and icy aura suddenly appeared on his body in an instant, touching people's nerves.

Baili Qinxue wanted to leave quietly, but at this time Xuanyuan Po had turned his head sideways, apparently having spotted her.

Now it's impossible to leave, she can only bite the bullet and walk up the tower.It might be because of the morning, the wind above the city tower was still a bit cool, and at this time, her clothes were also blown up by the wind, one black and one white, which was particularly eye-catching.

Baili Qinxue slowly moved to his side, her voice was light, "You wake up so early, I thought it was me who got up early, but I didn't expect that I was thinking too much."

Xuanyuan Po stared straight ahead without opening his mouth.

Baili Qinxue raised her head and rolled her eyes, didn't she speak very smoothly yesterday, why did she want to be dumb today?

She glanced at him, and was about to turn around to leave, when Xuanyuan Po's clear and low voice came to her ears, "I am used to the wooden bed in one place, but I can't sleep in another place, and you are the same Bar?"

Xuanyuan Po turned his head sideways, his pitch-black pupils were a little bit cold.

"Indeed." Baili Qinxue nodded slowly, and Xuanyuan Po looked away when she saw her nodding, and continued to look forward.

Baili Qinxue couldn't help being a little curious when she saw that he was engrossed in it. She asked, "What are you looking at? Is there something good in front of you that can firmly attract your attention?"

"The beautiful scenery outside the city." Xuanyuan Po's indifferent voice came slowly along with the wind.

Outside the city is a scene of yellow sand all over the sky, can this also be called a beautiful scene?
Suspicious, Baili Qinxue also looked in his direction, and she couldn't help but froze in place.It is true that there is a sky full of yellow sand in front of you, but it seems that you can collect all the thousands of scenes in the world from a high place. You can see the yellow sand here, and you can see the greenery in the south when you pass by the yellow sand.

This yellow with green, green with yellow, too beautiful to behold.

"You're good at discovering." Baili Qinxue covered her lips and smiled softly, "From a high place, you can indeed see things that you don't usually see. I thought the yellow sand all over the sky was nothing to see. , I feel very good at this moment.”

Xuanyuan Po turned his head sideways, his pitch-black eyes seemed to be stained with a layer of smile, very shallow and faint, and could not be seen.

"You are quite discerning." Xuanyuan Po looked into her eyes, and felt that her eyes were like a stream of clear water, slowly flowing into his heart, "Have you ever heard of a summoner?"

Baili Qinxue didn't know why he asked this question, she couldn't help being startled, and then nodded.

"Then what do you think of summoners?" Xuanyuan Po raised his eyebrows and asked.

Baili Qinxue was stunned again, he seemed very interested in the topic of summoner, he wanted to become a summoner?

"An ancient summoner is a very powerful character. There has never been a summoner for thousands of years. It is conceivable how noble and powerful a summoner is. They can summon spirits from all things in the world, and they can also make The monsters surrender."


(End of this chapter)

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