Chapter 669 is the most despicable existence
Baili Qinxue narrated lightly, then changed the topic, and said again: "But this is just a rumor, I have never seen a summoner, and I don't know how powerful they are."

"Is this your opinion?" Xuanyuan Po chuckled and said, "It's really quite general."

"I've never met a summoner, and I can't go wrong with what I heard." Baili Qinxue lied, her face not blushing, and her heart beating, she asked aloud: "Why do you care so much about the summoner?" Want to be a Summoner?"

As soon as the words were uttered, Xuanyuan Po's aura suddenly changed, his already cold eyes were as cold as knives, full of storms, Baili Qinxue trembled all over, what's wrong?
"Summoner..." Xuanyuan Po bit his lip and spit out each word slowly, "He is the most despicable existence."

There was a cold light in his eyes, and even the surrounding air cooled down a bit. Baili Qinxue looked at him with wide eyes, but saw that his eyes were like deep pools of water, making it hard to see through.

"What is despicable?" Baili Qinxue frowned. Summoners are existences against the sky, and they have nothing to do with the word despicable.

Xuanyuan Po glanced at her, then quickly looked away, he pursed his lips but finally did not say a word, just when the atmosphere was about to freeze, he flung his sleeves and left, his back completely gone.

Baili Qinxue: "..."

Crazy, say such words to whet people's appetites, and ask him why he has such thoughts, and he will die without opening his mouth. Sure enough, he is crazy, he must not have taken medicine when he went out today.

Baili Qinxue blew the wind on the tower for a while, then turned and left. On the way back, she met Dugu Sheng, who yawned as he walked, looking extremely lazy.

"Axue." Dugu Sheng rolled his eyes, and when he saw Baili Qinxue, all the sleepiness in his eyes dissipated, and he asked with a smile: "You woke up so early today, but what did you do so early? "

The magnetic and lazy voice, coupled with the swaying smile, makes people feel good.

"Just now I was blowing on the tower, and I also enjoyed a good view." Baili Qinxue stepped forward with a smile, and said, "By the way, when you came, did you see the pheasants and hares in the bamboo pen, and the small animals in the pond?" fish?"

"Look." Dugu Sheng also bent his lips and said with a smile: "They are not afraid of strangers when they come to a strange environment. They can eat and sleep, and they will be fatter in a few days."

Dugu Sheng gets along very naturally, without any feeling of depression at all, and the feeling is much better than when he talked with Xuanyuan Po just now, Baili Qinxue said with a smile: "If you are fat, you can grab it and eat it."

At this time, they also woke up one after another. The city, which was originally quiet, became lively at this moment.

Several people discussed what to do today after breakfast.

"I think we should go out of the city to hunt monsters today. After all, time waits for no one." Zhao Yu raised his legs, and a wild smile appeared on his lips, "I want monsters to taste my fireball."

Mu Liu laughed out loud, "Just like yesterday, did you burn the monster's butt to bloom?"

"You..." Zhao Yu gasped, flattened his mouth fiercely, and said, "President Mu Liu, why do you like to make fun of me like A Zi?"

Mu Liu smiled and said nothing, but Wei Nanzi said, "What I said is the truth, who only burned the ass of the land boundary flower yesterday..."

Lin Wanwan's eyes lit up, and he hooked his lips and agreed, "Well, it's Ayu or Ayu."

Zhao Yu's cheeks turned blue, and he obediently stopped talking.


(End of this chapter)

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