Chapter 674 This Warcraft...

He is extremely fast, scurrying around in the crowd of monsters. The monsters were annoyed by his actions and waved their sharp claws trying to tear him apart, but he would not submit obediently, he just ran away, ran away, Play a game of hide and seek with them.

Baili Qinxue found it interesting, so she rested her chin on her hands and watched it with great interest.

Dugu Sheng felt her gaze, and it was as if he had been injected with chicken blood, playing the monsters around.

"Axue, did you enjoy watching it?" Dugu Sheng was in high spirits, and the crimson robe danced lightly, slowly reflecting into her eyes.

Baili Qinxue smiled and said: "Stop playing, give them a knife, time is very precious."

"Actually, I still want to play for a while, but..." Dugu Sheng showed the sword in his hand, and suddenly stopped, "Since what A Xue said, then I'll have a good time."

Seeing him standing there, the monsters couldn't help roaring up to the sky.

The sample dared to fight with them, now it can’t run anymore, let’s obediently become their lunch, haha.

"It's so embarrassing, be careful, extreme joy begets sorrow." Dugu Sheng squinted his eyes, and the awe-inspiring aura suddenly appeared on his body, and he dodged and fled among the monsters, and when the sword fell, it brought out a series of blood stains.

Not long after, dozens of monsters ascended to heaven like this.

Even before he knew what was going on, he died. Baili Qinxue could see clearly from the top of the city tower. His sharp sword quickly cut into the throat of the monster. They all kill.

Such a powerful swordsmanship, even though she had seen it several times before, she still couldn't help admiring it.

Dugu Sheng took an inventory of the things under the tower, threw them all into the ring space, and then flew back to the tower.

"Bang bang—"



At this time, there was a loud noise from a distance, and Baili Qinxue could clearly feel the vibrations on the ground, which became more intense and clearer each time, as if something big was walking towards this side.

"There is a big guy coming this way, it seems..." Baili Qinxue swallowed with a fierce look, feeling that the big guy this time is different from the high-level monsters he encountered in the past.

Even though the big guy hadn't shown up yet, Baili Qinxue felt a sense of oppression in the air, as if it was going to suffocate her, which was a very terrifying feeling.

At this time, the sky also changed, the yellow sand billowed, the strong wind raged, and the sky was gloomy and gloomy.

Dugu Sheng's eyes suddenly darkened, "Maybe something troublesome..."

"What exactly is it here?" Baili Qinxue gritted her teeth, following the shaking of the ground, her heart also trembled.

The yellow sand was always in front of his eyes like a thin mist. Dugu Sheng condensed the wind magic to try to blow the yellow sand away. At the same time as it was blown away, Baili Qinxue saw a small black spot not far away.

Then, the little black spots got bigger and bigger, bigger and bigger...

A monster as high as a mountain and as big as a sea appeared in front of the two of them.

If it wasn't for this big guy moving slowly, Baili Qinxue would have thought it was an incomparably towering mountain, but it was alive, and it was so big that it seemed to be able to break through the sky.

Baili Qinxue has seen many powerful and huge monsters, but she has never seen such a big thing, which is a bit bigger than the giants she saw on TV.

"This monster..." Baili Qinxue swallowed and did not continue.


(End of this chapter)

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