Chapter 675 Ogre, eat meat...

"Well, it's a powerful thing." Dugu Sheng's eyes were dark, filled with turbulent waves, "It should be a monster that has lived for thousands of years, and that kind of coercion is not comparable to the monsters of the past."

He has lived for thousands of years...

Isn't it super old fashioned?

The big guy broke through the yellow sand and came slowly. Without the barrier of the yellow sand, Baili Qinxue could clearly see the appearance of the thing. Its blue face was extremely ferocious, with three horns growing on its head. Next to it, one is in the middle of the head, with a big mouth, sharp fangs, a huge body like a towering Mount Tai, and sharp claws that can tear everything apart.

This thing is not like a monster at all, like a ghost from hell, hideous and terrifying.

"There seems to be something hanging on its paws..." Baili Qinxue took a closer look, and saw that the big guy's ten paws were all covered with things. Every time he took a step, it would tease the things on the paws.

The thing on the paw will still struggle desperately, screaming...

Baili Qinxue took a closer look, her eyes suddenly widened, "The one on the paws turned out to be a human, a living human."

Dugu Sheng also looked over, his eyes became darker, "There are five or six people hanging on each claw... If I guessed correctly, it is a fierce beast that has lived for thousands of years—an ogre. "


Just hearing the name makes one's hair stand on end.

At this time, a series of screams came from a distance. Several people had their heads bitten off by the ogre. They tore and chewed one bite at a time, and then there were no bones left.

"Ogres specialize in eating human flesh, using human flesh to improve their level, and..." Dugu Sheng's voice was deep and hoarse, matched with the screams in the distance, it was frightening, "It also likes It tortures people, the more terrifying the person is, the more excited it is, and when the horror reaches a certain height, it will bite off the person's head, tear the person's body apart, and chew..."

This is not a monster at all, but rather a perverted murderer in European and American movies.

"It seems to be recorded in the letter. I glanced at it a few times before, but I didn't dare to read it because it was too bloody..." Baili Qinxue gritted her teeth.While they were talking, the ogre tore several more people apart.

The screams came and went without interruption.


"We are students of Xiling College, you can't eat our—"

"I haven't become famous yet, I can't die, I can't die."

A few people pissed in fright, and the ogre happily admired their faces distorted by terror, and their pupils constricted by fear.

So interesting, really interesting, human beings are such interesting creatures, haha.

"Big bun, what do you think it wants to do?" Baili Qinxue quickly calmed down, "The people on its paws must be our students from Xiling College. Judging by its appearance, it should come from the east and the west. Come, come to my northern part, do you want to catch a few people to eat?"

To have calmed down so quickly, his family's Axue was really unusual.

"Axue, don't worry." Dugu Sheng's voice came through the wind and sand, "Even if you fight to the death, I will definitely protect you."

Magnetic sound, extremely firm.

Baili Qinxue trembled slightly, then she lowered her eyebrows and said with a smile: "You don't need to fight to the death, if we fight together, we will eventually kill a bloody road."

"Oh yes, it's the same weather." Dugu Sheng raised a big smile.

The two stood on the tower, their whole bodies put on guard. The ogre seemed to feel their gaze. When he met their gaze, the corners of his mouth were split open, and the look in his eyes was strange and dark.


(End of this chapter)

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