Chapter 684
Wei Nanzi patted Lin Wanwan directly on the head and said, "Idiot, how could such a thing happen?"

Zhao Yu lowered his head in deep thought and did not speak, while Mu Liu rolled his eyes and tried hard to think.

"Warcraft come to attack the city?" Xuanyuan Po raised his eyelids, his voice was light, "Although the outside of the city is abnormally quiet, I can smell a faint smell of blood spreading."

This is a dog's nose, so smart?

The corners of Baili Qinxue's mouth hooked slightly, and she laughed, "It is true that monsters came to attack the city, but those monsters came in a strange way, and we still smelled a strange fragrance in the surrounding air, can you guess what it is?"

"Rosemary." Xuanyuan Po lowered his head and said with absolute certainty.

Baili Qinxue nodded lightly, "It's Rosemary, that's right, and we also found a green beast on the tower. That little thing has been watching our every move. It came here a few days ago, has it come yet?" How long did it take to fly back to the south."

When it comes to the south, Baili Qinxue has a strong word.

The smart person immediately thought of the key point, Mu Liu's eyes turned cold and said coldly: "The south is the territory of Weinan Lin Che and the others, and rosemary is something on the black market. There are several women in the south who have had sex with us. For a long time, if these things are connected..."

"People in the south don't want us to have an easy time." The four thieves gritted their teeth.

"What a vicious intention." Little Pink's eyes changed, and she cursed, "Ugly people do mischief a lot, no wonder they are so ugly..."

Zhao Yu and the three of them were also aggrieved.

Baili Qinxue paused for a moment, and then said: "I guess, they must have noticed that we have gone to the south to look for resources. I believe it will not be so easy to go there in a few days."

"They are stingy, they must have set up traps around, but we will be wiped out as soon as we step in." Zhao Yu gritted his teeth viciously, "In this way, if we are caught, they will have fewer competitors, and they must be very happy gone."

"It makes sense." Mu Liu nodded frequently, her eyes a little serious, "Fortunately, Miss Axue told us to stockpile some food, and it's impossible for us to starve to death."

"How many of us won't be able to break through the trap they set up?" The four thieves pouted, and there were not many powerful figures in Lin Che's team in Weinan. What kind of awesome trap could they set up?

"That's true, but you have to be vigilant." Baili Qinxue smiled.

Several people responded quickly.

When they had free time, they counted the number of monsters hunted again. There were almost [-] monsters. After hunting another [-], it would reach [-]. Seeing that the number of hunted monsters was quite large, they couldn't help but feel better. stand up.

In the evening, several people ate happily. Baili Qinxue saw that there were not many pheasants and hares in the bamboo pen, so he planned to go to the south with Dugu Sheng tomorrow.

Several people left the city on the second day, and the city was guarded by Mu Liu and Zhao Yu.

A few people headed by Xuanyuan Po went outside the city to continue hunting monsters. Before leaving, Baili Qinxue threw a few bottles of pills to them as a precaution.

After explaining everything, Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng went to the south.

The scenery in the south is still lush and green, and occasionally birdsong can be heard, everything is very peaceful and beautiful, but Baili Qinxue smells a conspiracy.

I also saw a lot of poor quality traps.

"This is the trap they set up?" Baili Qinxue took a few glances, and couldn't help but say in disgust: "The trap is naturally as hidden as possible, but they made it so rough, I can tell it at a glance."


(End of this chapter)

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