Chapter 685 Search Desperately! !
Dugu Sheng pointed to the melon seeds on his head, and said with a smile: "They think they are smart, but they are actually stupid."

"These crude traps will definitely not be able to trap us." Baili Qinxue quickly broke through the first layer of traps in front of her with a flash.

Dugu Sheng also followed with a smile.

The first trap is a huge net, which covers the sky, if you accidentally step on the organ net, it will fall down, killing everyone in one go.

Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes, and saw several animal traps hidden not far away. The animal traps were extremely sharp, and if they were caught, they probably would not be able to break free.

"It seems that they want to trap us with traps, and when we have no strength to struggle, they will catch us all." Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, with terrifying emotions hidden in her eyes, "However, what is the trap? It's still too simple."

The two easily avoided the traps and came to the small river.

On the sparkling water, Baili Qinxue clearly saw a few small fish swimming around in Hanoi.

"Today we are quieter, let them think we didn't show up, and annoy them to death." This is also the reason why Baili Qinxue didn't break the trap. They wanted to come and leave quietly.

"it is good."

Dugu Sheng used the water magic again to roll up all the fish. He also managed to control the water in the river once again, and did not let the excess water splash on the shore.

What a cool skill, it's amazing that water magic can be used so freely.

Baili Qinxue looked at it for a while, then quickly retracted her gaze, bent down and counted the small fish on the ground, "There are more than 40 small fish, enough for the few of us to eat, and then go catch some pheasants and hares, pick some wild vegetables and pick some wild fish." Fruit, you can spend these few days safely."

Dugu Sheng thought for a while, and rolled up more than ten small fish, he said with a smile: "Add ten more just in case, I don't think there are many small fish in Hanoi, and they probably don't have enough for them to eat. Ha ha."

Baili Qinxue covered her lips and laughed, then took out several large wooden barrels and mixed some water in the river.

Dugu Sheng bent down and dug a basket of wild vegetables, and picked two large baskets of wild fruits.The resources in the south are abundant, but after being searched by them in this way, it always feels that more than half has been lost. Wei Nan, Lin Che and the others will probably cry when they find out.

Baili Qinxue threw the collected things into the space, and prepared to hunt some pheasants and hares.

The sun is scorching hot today, and the pheasants and hares may be in aestivation. They searched for a long time before they caught one or two. .”

"It's still early, we will continue to guard here." Dugu Sheng crouched in the grass, quietly observing the surroundings.

"Xi Suo Xi Suo—"

A voice came from not far away, Baili Qinxue looked up, and saw a black wild boar walking slowly, that posture might be out for food.

"Look at the big bun, it's a really big black wild boar." Baili Qinxue pointed out, "It's so big that it might be worth five or six pheasants and hares, we must catch it."

"I don't intend to let it slip away from my nose." Dugu Sheng curled his lips, and then dodged forward, his strike was as fast as lightning, and he knocked out the black wild boar in an instant.

Baili Qinxue gave a thumbs up, "A master catches wild boars really extraordinary. Ordinary people use arrow feathers or dig holes to catch wild boars. You might just knock them out."


(End of this chapter)

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