Chapter 778 Why Don't You Let Me In
"Shall we go and have a look? If possible, I really want to find out the real culprit who killed my sister..." Baili Qinxue's tone was so faint that one couldn't guess what she was thinking.

It is clear that Baili Liuxu has the intention of killing her, but she wants to find out the real culprit.

What kind of medicine is sold in this gourd?

"A Xue wants to go then go." Dugu Sheng stroked her hair with a smile, and then said to the others: "Will you guys go or not? A Xue and I are going now."

After finishing speaking, he dragged Baili Qinxue out of the house.

They looked at each other a few times, and followed up.The body of Baili Liuxu was placed in a tower of the college. The tower was about ten stories high. The body of Baili Liuxu was placed on the top of the tower, the highest point.

Baili Qinxue couldn't help but look up, and saw a golden bead on the top of the pagoda shining in the sunlight at the end of the sun.

The people from Murong's family stood at the gate of the pagoda, they seemed to have made up their minds not to allow anyone to go in and check the dead body. There is a murderer?

The minds of the big family members are really difficult to understand.

"Has the Murong family kept guard to prevent people from entering?" Baili Qinxue asked Zhao Yu and the others.

Dugu Sheng sneered all over his face, and he knew he was guilty at a glance.

"Yeah, I've been guarding it since yesterday, not even letting a mosquito fly in." Zhao Yu couldn't help but sneer as he spoke.

"It's really a big deal to get so many people here." The four thieves laughed.

"Mosquitoes are not allowed to fly in..." Baili Qinxue held her chin and raised her eyelids involuntarily. The tower is indeed very high, but there are still many footholds. If you want to climb it... there is still a way .

"What if I meet a more intelligent mosquito..." Baili Qinxue smiled.

A few people were still reminiscing about Baili Qinxue's words, the second lady on the other side floated over like a butterfly, but when she was about to reach the tower gate, she was stopped by the servant of Murong's family.

"Second madam, please go back. The young master said that Miss Baili's soul has rested in the tower, so she must not be disturbed."

"I just want to visit my daughter and help her find the murderer. Why don't you let me in?" The second lady threw herself on the handles of the boys' guns with a mournful face.

The boys were startled, quickly put away the weapons in their hands, helped the second lady up and said: "Madam, it's not that we don't want to let you in, it's the young master's order, and we have to listen."

The second lady really didn't understand what Murong Qing was trying to do.

Is it really to protect the reputation of Baili Liuxu, or is there something else in it.

But she is the mother of Baili Liuxu, so what if we meet each other?
"This is the territory of Xiling College, how can Qing'er be so willful?" The second lady gritted her teeth, Murong Qing and Baili Liuxu are so close, there is no reason not to help her find the murderer.

Is it...

Bewitched by that foxy girl Dongfang Duoer?

Moreover, Baili Liuxu was also at odds with Dongfang Duo'er before he was alive, so maybe...

"What's the matter today? Why are you so noisy?" Murong Qing flicked his sleeves and walked out from the crowd. Maybe Baili Liuxu's death had hit him hard, and he was quite emaciated.

Really meaningful and affectionate, Baili Qinxue sneered.


(End of this chapter)

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