Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 779 1 You must have killed my daughter

Chapter 779 You must have killed my daughter
"Qing'er, Qing'er..." The second lady ran towards Murong Qing, muttering non-stop, "Qing'er, tell these boys, I really want to go in and see my Liu Xu, then The child's death is unknown, and the instructor of the academy also hopes to find out the real culprit, Qing'er, don't you want it?"

Murong Qing's expression did not change, he lifted his thin lips and said: "The deceased has passed away, can't we let her rest well?"

After all, his expression was a little downcast, and tears glistened in his eyes.

The second lady opened her lips and said: "Then can't you find the murderer for her? She is yours, your sister..."

Murong Qing's expression tightened, and he was about to warn her not to talk nonsense, but she heard that she had changed her words, so she felt relieved and said, "Of course you also want to find the murderer for your sister, so I'm not Have you been running around all the time, and I have checked my sister's body myself, and I always feel that there are some clues."

Are you interested?

The second lady's eyes sparkled, "Is there a clue? Did that bitch Dongfang Duoer do it?"

Dongfang Duo'er's face immediately turned green when she heard the words, what are they talking about?
"Madam of Murong's family, please pay attention to your wording, what do you mean I did it?" Dongfang Duo'er raised her brows with an angry expression on her face.

The second lady sneered, her sharp eyes rolled on her face, she suddenly raised her voice, and said: "Don't think that I don't know what happened between you, I already knew about the discrepancy between you and my daughter, if you want Said that my daughter's greatest enemy, there is no one else but you, said..."

The second lady's eyes changed, and she rushed towards Dongfang Duo'er, and immediately grabbed her neck, "Is it you, did you kill my catkins, and you return my catkins, come back..."

Dongfang Duo'er's complexion changed, she shook her head suddenly and said, "'s not me, it's not me, you can't kill innocent people indiscriminately, you let me go quickly...Brother Murong, come and save me..."

Dongfang Duoer kept waving her arms.

The students were all pointing and watching the show, but no one stepped forward to help.

Murong Qing pursed his lips, fearing that something might happen, he hurriedly stepped forward to save Dongfang Duo'er, then turned to look at the second lady and said, "Auntie, this is a college, Dongfang girl is also a person of status, you If you act rashly without evidence, how good would it implicate our Murong family?"

His eyes were sharp and his face was angry.

The second lady trembled and suddenly realized that she was just a married aunt after all, if she hadn't seduced Patriarch Murong with her beauty these past few months, how could she have such a status?

"I..." The second lady pursed her lips, and after a long while she still refused to let go and said: "But, my Liu Xu really didn't sin against anyone, but only had some festivals with Dongfang Duoer. I don't believe Dongfang Duoer has a lot of money clean."

Dongfang Duo'er stood behind Murong Qing, when she heard the second lady's words, she hurriedly grabbed his clothes, with a look of fear, "Don't spit blood, Brother Murong is so scary, Duo'er is so scared."

Murong Qing patted the back of her hand and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Such intimacy caught her eyes, and the eyes of the second wife turned red. The relationship between the two of them is so good. Are they already together? Then her Liu Xu... must be too miserable.

The second lady gritted her teeth in hatred.


(End of this chapter)

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