Chapter 780
Dongfang Duo'er poked her head out from behind Murong Qing, and said: "This lady keeps saying that I have a feud with Miss Baili, there is a feud, so can you tell me what kind of feud I have with her, Duo'er really doesn't know. "

After all, tears filled his eyes, showing a pitiful expression.

The second lady gritted her teeth in hatred, this bitch is really pretending, no wonder her daughter has been defeated by her.

"Of course it's for..." The second lady suddenly shut up as if she had thought of something. The festival between Baili Liuxu and Dongfang Duoer was undoubtedly for a man, but they can't be said, it will ruin her daughter's reputation .

The second lady was so angry that she stomped her feet on the spot, she was really suffering and couldn't tell.

Dongfang Duo'er laughed, "This madam didn't say a word, which means she can't tell me what's wrong with Miss Baili, so don't hold back anymore, lest you lose your status."

"You..." The second lady was at a loss for words, so she could only swallow her anger.

"Auntie, don't get involved here, I know this matter in my heart, and I will definitely be fair to my sister." Murong Qing turned to look at the second lady, and said: "You should go back and rest quickly, You haven't slept or eaten well since your sister's accident, I'm really afraid you won't be able to hold on."

Murong Qing said all the good things in order to send the second wife away.

If the second lady stays any longer, this place will become more and more chaotic.

"Hey..." The second madam saw that Murong Qing was so stubborn, and Dongfang Duo'er was extremely arrogant while being protected. She alone was unable to find out the murderer, and she couldn't even enter this towering tower.

The hero doesn't suffer from immediate disadvantages, so the second wife decided to go back and think of a way, "Forget it, then I'll go back and rest first..."

The second lady turned and left.

Seeing her leave, Murong Qing heaved a sigh of relief for no reason.

Dongfang Duo'er patted her chest, her face returned to normal, and her whole body became much more energetic, "That aunt of yours is really pestering her, luckily she has already left, otherwise she would be upset just looking at her. "

"It's a big audience, please take your time talking to me." Murong Qing warned.

Dongfang Duo'er opened her lips, but didn't say a word.

Seeing that the protagonist had already left, the students all left one after another as there was nothing good to watch.

At this moment……

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng looked at each other, and only the two of them could understand the expression in it.

At night, everything is quiet.

The two put on their night clothes and rushed towards the tower.

There were still guards at the entrance of the pagoda, and the guards carried lanterns, illuminating the area very brightly. Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng hid in a dark corner, quietly observing the situation there.

The servants are also flesh and blood. After standing outside the tower gate for a long time, they are already tired and sleepy. They hold the weapons in their hands and prepare to take a nap against the wall. At this moment, their defenses are the most lax. when.

The two looked at each other, spotted the loophole and jumped up to the second floor of the pagoda.

The boys only felt a gust of wind blowing, it was chilly and overcast.

"The wind is so cold..."

"Could it be our young lady who died too unjustly and turned into a ghost to claim her life?"

"Don't talk nonsense at night...and where are the monsters and goblins in this world..."

The voice changed from strong to weak, and several servants hid in the corner trembling, and their faces became very pale.

When Baili Qinxue heard the movement, she couldn't help covering her lips and chuckling, "We were treated as demons and ghosts."

"You are timid." Dugu Sheng teased.


(End of this chapter)

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