Chapter 781 You Can Be a Thief Now
There are no guards on the second floor of the pagoda, and the protruding places around it can just step on and turn up.

The two stepped on it and jumped up like a golden hook hanging upside down.

On the third floor of the pagoda, there were two servants patrolling again. They walked casually with lanterns in their hands, their expressions were laziness, as if they would fall asleep soon, Dugu Sheng sneered, and didn't pay attention to them.

Baili Qinxue carefully observed the surroundings of the pagoda, and saw a wooden pole hanging from the top, she pursed her lips, and her eyes brightened slightly.

She gestured towards Dugu Sheng.

Dugu Sheng nodded knowingly.

The two stepped on the wooden pole above, and flew to the fourth floor of the pagoda like birds.

The structure of the pagoda is roughly the same, and with the experience of the first two floors, the next few floors are also more handy.

The night is deep, and the moonlight is leisurely.

If someone looked carefully at this moment, they would see two small black shadows on the top of the pagoda constantly turning over, moving nimbly, like swift and fierce foxes, adding a bit of treachery and mystery to this silent night.

There are ten floors in the pagoda, and they have reached the tenth floor at this moment.

Murong Qing is also a cautious master, he actually placed a dozen servants on the tenth floor, compared with the group of people below, these servants are obviously much higher level, it seems that Murong Qing is determined not to let Anyone looking at Baili Liuxu's body.

The more this happened, the more curious Baili Qinxue became, and the more she wanted to muddy the water.

The doors and windows on the tenth floor of the pagoda are tightly closed. If you want to enter, you just need to open the windows, but...

The windows were tightly locked, requiring a key to open them.

And the key should be in the hands of one of the servants.

"Don't be so troublesome, look at me." Dugu Sheng seemed to have guessed Baili Qinxue's thoughts, he curled his lips into a mysterious smile, and took out a long and thin steel wire from the space ring.

Baili Qinxue's heart skipped a beat, seeing that he had already inserted the steel wire into the keyhole and just stirred it up.

Immediately after...

There was a "click" sound, and the window opened.

Baili Qinxue blinked her eyes, then blinked again, such a cool skill, it appears in almost every costume movie, she thought it was just for the sake of attention, it was just a fake, but she didn't expect this skill to be real feasible.

She let out a laugh, followed Dugu Sheng and jumped into the tower, and then gently closed the window.

"You can remove the contract on the space ring and open such a complicated keyhole with a steel wire. It's a pity that you don't become a thief." Baili Qinxue teased with a smile.

"I'm notoriously naughty on the island. Because I'm bored, I study formations, and if I'm bored, I study keyholes. Once I used this skill to sneak into Jing Ye's room and draw on his face. I found a big buffalo, haha." Dugu Sheng covered his lips and laughed.

How boring is he...

The corner of Baili Qinxue's mouth twitched, she could imagine Jing Ye's pitiful appearance when she was being bullied.

"Your little bodyguard has been bullied by you a lot, right?" Baili Qinxue jumped off the high platform and waited and watched from inside.

"He is just a piece of wood, the expression on his face will only change when he is being bullied, so..." Dugu Sheng spread out his hands, and said lightly: "Don't bully him, bully who, I like to see him terrified little expression."

"..." Baili Qinxue's eyelids twitched, little devil, brat...

On the tenth floor of the pagoda, it looks quite luxurious inside.


(End of this chapter)

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