Chapter 782 Didn't Burn to Death

The paint inside the tower is brand new, it should have been repaired just now, a strong smell of paint permeates the nose, although the tower is luxurious, but there are not many decorations, it looks empty.

There is a large round platform in the center, on which dozens of candles are burning slowly, and a wooden coffin is placed in the center of the candles, which looks extraordinarily gloomy, and the atmosphere suddenly becomes oppressive.

"Tick-tick--" the candle was burning, and tears dripped from the candle.

In such a quiet environment, it seems a little strange.

"I'm going to catch up with my good sister." Baili Qinxue smiled and walked towards the coffin.

Dugu Sheng followed closely behind.

There may have been some special medicines placed in the coffin. The corpse had been dead for a day, and the weather was hot, so there was no sign of decay, and no unpleasant smell wafted out.

Baili Qinxue looked down, but the expression on her face remained unchanged.

"My good sister, the death is really miserable..." The corpse inside has a large area of ​​burns on the body, and the burns are severe, and some parts have been scorched. There are also large areas of burns on the face, and the appearance is still intact. See it.

"You have done too many vicious things, and you will be punished now." Dugu Sheng folded his arms around his chest.

"Let's see what message my sister's corpse will give me." Baili Qinxue put on her gloves and boldly opened the mouth and nose of the corpse.

Dugu Sheng was taken aback by her bold actions. Although they have killed monsters and people before, it is really disgusting and creepy to observe a dead body and keep fiddling with it. .

"Axue, what are you doing?" Dugu Sheng swallowed, she was a girl who didn't blush and her heart beat.

"Check the corpse..." The understatement fell.

"..." The corners of Dugu Sheng's mouth twitched, what a bold girl...

Baili Qinxue has also watched many detective films, so she imitated the movements of the characters in them and carefully observed the mouth and nose of the corpse, which really allowed her to discover many useful things and made her eyes shine.

"My dear sister, she really wasn't simply burned to death." Baili Qinxue said slowly.

Dugu Sheng leaned forward, "Axue, what do you say?"

"People who are burned alive will definitely struggle, and they will definitely inhale a lot of smoke and dust, and then suffocate to death." Baili Qinxue looked at Dugu Sheng, and said with a smile: "You can imagine, when you are trapped in a In the sea of ​​fire, will you inhale a lot of smoke and dust, will you suffocate to death?"

Dugu Sheng imagined it for a while, and couldn't help but nodded.

"That's right." Baili Qinxue opened the mouth and nose of the corpse again, "Look at her nose and mouth, isn't it clean?"

Dugu Sheng looked down, "It's really clean."

Baili Qinxue laughed softly, "Burning to death, there will definitely be smoke and dust in the mouth and nose, but my good sister did not, which means that she was burned after death, how did she die? , I still need to do more research..."

Dugu Sheng's black eyes lit up, she was really smart, she knew even this kind of thing.

He raised his eyelids and looked at her even more burningly.

Baili Qinxue looked back and forth. Although there were many burn marks on the corpse, there were no obvious fatal injuries on the surface of the corpse. She slowly moved her eyes away, and suddenly fixed on the fingernails of the corpse.

Her eyes lit up because of this.

"Big Baozi, look at her fingernails..."


(End of this chapter)

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